sequenceDiagram participant Admin participant CBS participant SC as SEPA CONNECTOR participant DIS participant BANK activate CBS Note right of CBS: Create transfer Note right of CBS: Transfer: WAITING/<br>DEFFERED CBS->>SC: Sends transfer deactivate CBS alt 1. SC error - BANK doesn't work activate SC SC->>CBS: Sends SC TRANSFER recjection deactivate SC activate CBS Note right of CBS:Transfer: DEFFERED deactivate CBS opt Internal cancel request activate CBS Note right of CBS: Transfer: DEFFERED CBS->>SC: Sends internal cancel Note over SC, DIS: See internal cancel diagram deactivate CBS end activate CBS CBS->>CBS: Retries to send TRANSFER (next day?) deactivate CBS else 2. No SC error received activate SC SC->>DIS: Sends transfer deactivate SC activate CBS opt internal cancel request Note right of CBS: Transfer: WAITING CBS->>SC: Sends internal cancel Note over SC, DIS: See internal cancel diagram deactivate CBS end alt 2.1 Received DIS error activate DIS DIS->>SC: Sends DIS TRANSFER recjection SC->>CBS: Sends DIS TRANSFER recjection activate CBS Note right of CBS:Transfer: REJECTED deactivate CBS else 2.2 DIS acknowledgement Note right of DIS: Creates and <br> signs message DIS->>SC: Sends DIS acknowledgement SC->>CBS: Sends DIS acknowledgement activate CBS Note right of CBS:Transfer: PENDING deactivate CBS DIS->>BANK: Sends transfer deactivate DIS alt 2.2.1 No response received BANK->>DIS: Exception DIS->>Admin: Notification: Transfer REJECTED activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Rejects transfer deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Transfer: REJECTED deactivate CBS else 2.2.2 Received syntax error BANK->>DIS: Sends SYNRES DIS->>Admin: Notification: Transfer REJECTED activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Rejects transfer deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Transfer: REJECTED deactivate CBS else 2.2.3 Received signature error BANK->>DIS: Sends AUTHRES DIS->>Admin: Notification: Transfer REJECTED activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Rejects transfer deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Transfer: REJECTED deactivate CBS else 2.2.4 Received acknowledgement BANK->>DIS: Sends CONTRL alt Received pacs.002 with RJCT BANK->>DIS: Sends TRANSFER rejection activate DIS alt Received pacs.002 has an syntax error according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends SYNRES else Received pacs.002 has an signature error according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends AUTRES else Received pacs.002 has an other errors according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends RESULT Note right of DIS: To be confirmed: <br> can we send RESULT? else Received pacs.002 has no errors according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends CONTRL Note right of DIS: Create document DIS->>SC: Sends TRANSFER rejection deactivate DIS SC->>CBS: Sends TRANSFER rejection activate CBS Note right of CBS: Transfer: REJECTED deactivate CBS end else Received pacs.002 with ACCP BANK->>DIS: Sends TRANSFER acceptance activate DIS alt Received pacs.002 has an syntax error according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends SYNRES else Received pacs.002 has an signature error according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends AUTRES else Received pacs.002 has an other errors according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends RESULT Note right of DIS: To be confirmed: <br> can we send RESULT?T else Received pacs.002 has no errors according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends CONTRL Note right of DIS: Create document deactivate DIS Note right of CBS: Transfer: no change opt Recall request activate CBS Note right of CBS: Transfer: PENDING CBS->>SC: Sends Recall request Note over SC, DIS: See Recall diagram deactivate CBS end alt Received pacs.002 with E05 (lack of fund) BANK->>DIS: Sends TRANSFER rejection activate DIS alt Received pacs.002 has an syntax error according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends SYNRES else Received pacs.002 has an signature error according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends AUTRES else Received pacs.002 has an other errors according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends RESULT Note right of DIS: To be confirmed: <br> can we send RESULT? else Received pacs.002 has no errors according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends CONTRL Note right of DIS: Create document deactivate DIS Note right of CBS: Transfer: REJECTED else Received pacs.002 with SETL BANK->>DIS: Sends TRANSFER settled activate DIS alt Received pacs.002 has an syntax error according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends SYNRES else Received pacs.002 has an signature error according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends AUTRES else Received pacs.002 has an other errors according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends RESULT Note right of DIS: To be confirmed: <br> can we send RESULT? else Received pacs.002 has no errors according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends CONTRL Note right of DIS: Create document deactivate DIS Note right of CBS: Transfer: COMPLETED opt Payment return activate DIS Note right of CBS: Transfer: COMPLETED BANK->>DIS: Sends RETURN Note over SC, DIS: See Payment return deactivate DIS end end end end opt Recall request activate CBS Note right of CBS: Transfer: COMPLETED CBS->>SC: Sends Recall request Note over SC, DIS: See Recall diagram deactivate CBS end opt Claim non-receipt inquiry activate CBS CBS->>SC: Sends Inquiry Note over SC, DIS: See Inquiry diagram deactivate CBS end opt Claim for value date correction activate CBS CBS->>SC: Sends Inquiry Note over SC, DIS: See Inquiry diagram deactivate CBS end end end end end end
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