Bank of Lithuania's testing tasks
The system must pass the following tests before going to production:
Connectivity tests:
- Connection to the CENTROlink DPS via the LITAS network.
- Access to the CENTROLINK (LITAS-RLS or LITAS-MIG service).
- Access to the LITAS-PHA.
System directories tests:
- The applicant gets the LITAS-RLS, LITAS-MIG, KART and LITAS-PHA directories into internal systems and processes the received messages.
- The applicant sees the directory of STEP2 direct participants, the directory of STEP2 reachable BICs TARGET2 and the TARGET2 directory (only for TARGET2 participants) via DPS.
- The applicant receives and process the directory of STEP2 SEPA direct participants and the directory of STEP2 reachable BICs.
Liquidity management between TARGET2 PM and LITAS-PHA accounts - all tests in this category are marked as not applicable.
SCT payment request tests:
- The applicant sends the pacs.008 (FFCCTRNS) message.
- The applicant receives and successfully processes at least one pacs.008 (FFCCTRNS) message from each category of the senders: 1) from Party B (LITAS-RLS); 2) from Party C (LITAS-MIG); 3) from STEP2 party.
- The System rejects wrongly filled pacs.008 (FFCCTRNS) messages. Test files
- At the end of business day, the System rejects previously accepted the pacs.008 (FFCCTRNS) message due to insufficient liquidity.
- The System rejects the submitted pacs.008 (FFCCTRNS) message because the receiving party (Party C (LITAS-MIG)) is suspended.
- The System successfully settles the pacs.008 (FFCCTRNS) message, but later, due to belated delivery to the subsequent system (e.g. STEP2 system), the System returns the previously settled payment by generating the pacs.004 (PRTRN) message to the applicant.
- The applicant sends pacs.008 (FFCCTRNS) with D+1 business (settlement) day and the System executes the payment on D+1 business day.
- The system accepts and settles credit transfer pacs.008 (FFCCTRNS) to Swiss or Cyprus bank account
SCT payment cancellation tests:
- The applicant sends the camt.056 (FFPCRQST) message before the pacs.008 (FFCCTRNS) message is processed in the CENTROLINK or STEP2 system. The camt.056 message contains the reason code for cancellation.
- The System rejects wrongly filled camt.056 (FFPCRQST) messages.
- The applicant sends the camt.056 (FFPCRQST) message after the pacs.008 (FFCCTRNS) message is processed in the CENTROLINK or STEP2 system.
- The applicant receives and successfully processes at least one camt.056 (FFPCRQST) message from each category of the senders: 1) from Party B (LITAS-RLS); 2) from Party C (LITAS-MIG); 3) from STEP2 party.
SCT payment return tests:
- The applicant successfully processes the pacs.004 (PRTRN) messages in the name of the institution.
- The applicant successfully processes the pacs.004 (PRTRN) messages in the name of his client.
- The System rejects wrongly filled pacs.004 (PRTRN) messages.
- At the end of business day, the System rejects previously accepted the pacs.004 (PRTRN) message (due to insufficient liquidity).
- The System successfully settles the pacs.004 (PRTRN) message, but later, due to belated delivery to the subsequent system (e.g. STEP2 system); the System returns it by generating pacs.004 (PRTRN) message to the applicant.
- The applicant receives the pacs.004 (PRTRN) messages from STEP2 party and successfully processes it.
- The applicant sends pacs.004 (PRTRN) with D+1 business (settlement) day and the System executes the payment on D+1 business day.
SCT resolution of investigation tests:
SCT end of day processing tests:
- The System sends the end of day camt.054 (BTCDCNTF) messages.
Request for Status Update on a Request for Recall pacs.028 (FFPSRPRQ) tasks:
- Request for Status Update on a Request for Recall pacs.028 (FFPSRPRQ) is used in CENTROLINK ir STEP2 systems.
- Request for Status Update on a Request for Recall pacs.028 (FFPSRPRQ) is rejected by CENTROlink because of errors.
- Participant receives from sender PArty B, C or STEP2 Request for Status Update on a Request for Recall pacs.028 (FFPSRPRQ).
The full description of the tests can be found in SCT Testing Tasks for CENTROlink applicants_EN.docx version from 9.02.2019.