sequenceDiagram participant Admin participant CBS participant SC as SEPA CONNECTOR participant DIS participant BANK alt 1. Request for Status Update on a RECALL Note right of CBS: Transfer: COMPLETED (incoming) Note right of CBS: Recall: WAITING or COMPLETED Note over CBS,BANK: See: Diagram Recall from Bank point 2. opt Status Update Request <br> point Status Update Requestopt <br> point opt Status Update Request BANK->>DIS: Sends STATUS UPDATE REQUEST alt 1.1 Received STATUS UPDATE REQUEST has an syntax error <br> or an signature error <br> or an other errors according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends CONTRL DIS->>Admin: Notification: Processing error else 1.2 Received STATUS UPDATE REQUEST has no errors according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends CONTRL DIS->>SC: Sends STATUS UPDATE REQUEST activate SC SC->>CBS: Sends STATUS UPDATE REQUEST activate CBS SC-->>CBS: (StatusUpdateRequest) deactivate SC deactivate CBS alt 1.2.1 Received STATUS UPDATE REQUEST has an error according to CBS activate CBS Note over SC,BANK: Do nothing (according to Anton) Note right of CBS: Save STATUS UPDATE REQUEST Note right of CBS: Transfer: COMPLETED (incoming) Note right of CBS: Recall: WAITING or COMPLETED rect rgba(255, 0, 0) Note right of CBS: Status Update: COMPLETED end Admin->>CBS: Manual process: Investigate why recall is not responded deactivate CBS else 1.2.2 Received STATUS UPDATE REQUEST has no error according to CBS activate CBS Note right of CBS: Save STATUS UPDATE REQUEST Note right of CBS: Transfer: COMPLETED (incoming) Note right of CBS: Recall: WAITING or COMPLETED Note right of CBS: Status Update: COMPLETED Admin->>CBS: Manual process: Investigate why recall is not responded deactivate CBS end end else 2. Request for Status Update on a Inquiry Non-Receipt Note right of CBS: Transfer: COMPLETED (incoming) Note right of CBS: Claim: WAITING or COMPLETED Note over CBS,BANK: See: Diagram Inquiry Non_receipt from Bank point 2. opt Status Update Request <br> point Status Update Requestopt <br> point opt Status Update Request BANK->>DIS: Sends STATUS UPDATE REQUEST alt 2.1 Received STATUS UPDATE REQUEST has an syntax error <br> or an signature error <br> or an other errors according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends CONTRL DIS->>Admin: Notification: Processing error else 2.2 Received STATUS UPDATE REQUEST has no errors according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends CONTRL DIS->>SC: Sends STATUS UPDATE REQUEST activate SC SC->>CBS: Sends STATUS UPDATE REQUEST activate CBS SC-->>CBS: (StatusUpdateRequest) deactivate SC deactivate CBS alt 2.2.1 Received STATUS UPDATE REQUEST has an error according to CBS activate CBS Note over SC,BANK: Do nothing (according to Anton) Note right of CBS: Save STATUS UPDATE REQUEST Note right of CBS: Transfer: COMPLETED (incoming) Note right of CBS: Claim: WAITING or COMPLETED rect rgba(255, 0, 0) Note right of CBS: Status Update: COMPLETED end Admin->>CBS: Manual process: Investigate why claim is not responded deactivate CBS else 2.2.2 Received STATUS UPDATE REQUEST has no error according to CBS activate CBS Note right of CBS: Save STATUS UPDATE REQUEST Note right of CBS: Transfer: COMPLETED (incoming) Note right of CBS: Claim: WAITING or COMPLETED Note right of CBS: Status Update: COMPLETED Admin->>CBS: Manual process: Investigate why claim is not responded deactivate CBS end end else 3. Request for Status Update on a Inquiry for Value Date Correction Note right of CBS: Transfer: COMPLETED (incoming) Note right of CBS: Claim: WAITING or ACCEPTED or COMPLETED Note over CBS,BANK: See: Diagram Inquiry for Value Date Correction from Bank point 2. opt Status Update Request <br> point Status Update Requestopt <br> point opt Status Update Request BANK->>DIS: Sends STATUS UPDATE REQUEST alt 3.1 Received STATUS UPDATE REQUEST has an syntax error <br> or an signature error <br> or an other errors according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends CONTRL DIS->>Admin: Notification: Processing error else 3.2 Received STATUS UPDATE REQUEST has no errors according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends CONTRL DIS->>SC: Sends STATUS UPDATE REQUEST activate SC SC->>CBS: Sends STATUS UPDATE REQUEST activate CBS SC-->>CBS: (StatusUpdateRequest) deactivate SC deactivate CBS alt 3.2.1 Received STATUS UPDATE REQUEST has an error according to CBS activate CBS Note over SC,BANK: Do nothing (according to Anton) Note right of CBS: Save STATUS UPDATE REQUEST Note right of CBS: Transfer: COMPLETED (incoming) Note right of CBS: Claim: WAITING or ACCEPTED or COMPLETED rect rgba(255, 0, 0) Note right of CBS: Status Update: COMPLETED end Admin->>CBS: Manual process: Investigate why claim is not responded deactivate CBS else 3.2.2 Received STATUS UPDATE REQUEST has no error according to CBS activate CBS Note right of CBS: Save STATUS UPDATE REQUEST Note right of CBS: Transfer: COMPLETED (incoming) Note right of CBS: Claim: WAITING or ACCEPTED or COMPLETED Note right of CBS: Status Update: COMPLETED Admin->>CBS: Manual process: Investigate why claim is not responded deactivate CBS end end end
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