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V1.27.5.13 release

Mateusz Żebrak requested to merge v1.27.5.13_release into master

Closes: %14th release

  1. New features/functions
    • Add new CLI command of clive process custom-json - !371 (merged)
    • Add explanation on how to select, copy and paste text in the TUI app like Clive, during onboarding and under global (f1) help - #214 (closed) via !411 (merged)
  2. Functional improvements
    • Improvements in TUI alarm management - #215 (closed) via !406 (merged):
      • more description explaining the alarm
      • each alarm details dialog is divided into 3 sections: Details (containing useful info and alarm parameters), How to fix? (generally explaining what to do to make the alarm disappear), Actions (takes you to the place of clive where you can fix the alarm or mark it as harmless)
      • for the watched account alarm, inform if the fix will be possible using clive when making this account as working
    • Improved look and consistency of TUI savings-related screens: #163 (closed) via !383 (merged)
    • Reduce the amount of logging disk usage (introduces new behavior of LOG_LEVELS and LOG_KEEP_HISTORY in settings.toml) - !410 (merged)
    • Do not spam with notifications when can't connect to a node - !409 (merged)
    • Key aliases are stored in the profile instead of the account, so removing/switching account from one to another does not change anything in the keys storage - !408 (merged)
    • Improvements in transfer-schedule related commands: - !387 (merged)
      • Move memo from upcoming to definitions table in clive show transfer-schedule & display the entire memo
      • Add information in the help of clive show transfer-schedule modify about the first execution while frequency is modified
      • Accept capital letters in frequency
  3. Bugfixes
    • Fix the calculation of the time left before the expiration of governance votes - !406 (merged)
    • Fix editing REFRESH_ALARMS_RATE in settings.toml does not change anything - !407 (merged)
    • Fix "Known account" not working properly (not detecting account as known) - !418 (merged)
    • Fix a situation where it was impossible to enter the TUI config without accounts - !419 (merged)
    • Fixes in CLI transfer-schedule related commands: - !387 (merged)
      • Fix displaying more than 10 upcoming scheduled transfers in clive show transfer-schedule.
      • Fix the calculation of the amount of upcoming scheduled transfers (includes previous executions of transfers to e.g. different account)
      • Fix the time format of Next column in upcoming table
      • Fix bug that required to pass --pair-id during clive process transfer-schedule modify even when there was only one transfer to the receiver
      • Fix bug that prevented from removing scheduled transfer when there was only 1 execution left
  4. Internal
Edited by Mateusz Żebrak

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