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  • hive/helpy
1 result
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Commits on Source (34)
with 587 additions and 239 deletions
- static_code_analysis
- tests
- build
- tests
- deploy
......@@ -19,13 +19,22 @@ variables:
TXT_BLUE: "\e[1;34m"
TXT_CLEAR: "\e[0m"
DATA_CACHE_HIVE_PREFIX: "/cache/replay_data_hive"
BLOCK_LOG_SOURCE_DIR_5M: /blockchain/block_log_5m
BLOCK_LOG_SOURCE_DIR_MIRRORNET_5M: /blockchain/block_log_5m_mirrornet
# uses
CI_BASE_IMAGE_TAG: "@sha256:080b16fd53013aeb9b89b00a8dfc90fecf886173f46448b05f45cee376c43330"
- project: 'hive/hive'
# This has to be the same as the commit checked out in the submodule
ref: 2c5e0bca0a2725bc5e4fbf4280e0a3c862d21bb6
file: '/scripts/ci-helpers/prepare_data_image_job.yml'
- project: 'hive/common-ci-configuration'
ref: 44d0cec8cfa8fb87d0daf5cef1485fb57b9e26fd
# This should be the same version of Common CI defined in /hive/scripts/ci-helpers/prepare_data_image_job.yml
ref: 7ea99b10bbf0f9b1fbb88f52a78ead4c82f15d75
file: '/templates/python_projects.gitlab-ci.yml'
image: ${CI_BASE_IMAGE}
......@@ -54,33 +63,74 @@ type_check_with_mypy:
#<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<| STATIC CODE ANALYSIS |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
#>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| BUILD |>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
extends: .prepare_hived_image
needs: []
stage: build
- public-runner-docker
- hived-for-tests
extends: .prepare_hived_data_5m
- job: prepare_hived_image
artifacts: true
stage: build
CONFIG_INI_SOURCE: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/hive/docker/config_5M.ini"
- data-cache-storage
stage: build
extends: .build_wheel_template
#<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<| BUILD |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
#>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| TESTS |>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
stage: tests
extends: .project_develop_configuration_template
needs: [ ] # do not wait for previous stage to finish before starting this one
- job: prepare_hived_data
artifacts: true
alias: hived-instance
command: ["--replay-blockchain", "--stop-replay-at-block=5000000"]
- echo -e "${TXT_BLUE}Launching tests...${TXT_CLEAR}"
- python3 -m pytest --durations 0 --junitxml=report.xml tests/
- python3 -m pytest --durations 0 --junitxml=report.xml --hived-http-endpoint="http://hived-instance:8091" tests/
when: always
expire_in: 1 week
- data-cache-storage
#<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<| TESTS |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
#>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| BUILD |>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
stage: build
extends: .build_wheel_template
#<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<| BUILD |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
#>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| DEPLOY |>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
.deploy_wheel_needs: &deploy_wheel_needs
[submodule "hive"]
path = hive
url = ../hive.git
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ repos:
- id: trailing-whitespace
- id: end-of-file-fixer
- repo:
rev: 1.6.1
rev: 1.7.1
- id: poetry-lock
name: checking if poetry.lock is consistent with pyproject.toml
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ from helpy._handles import (
from helpy._interfaces import wax
from helpy._interfaces.asset import Hf26Asset, LegacyAsset
from helpy._interfaces.stopwatch import Stopwatch
from helpy._interfaces.time import Time, TimeFormats
from helpy._interfaces.time import OffsetTimeControl, SpeedUpRateTimeControl, StartTimeControl, Time, TimeFormats
from helpy._interfaces.url import HttpUrl, P2PUrl, WsUrl
__version__ = "0.0.0"
......@@ -26,7 +26,10 @@ __all__ = [
......@@ -3,29 +3,25 @@ from __future__ import annotations
import asyncio
import time
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from datetime import timedelta
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, ClassVar
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any
from helpy.exceptions import HelpyError
from helpy._communication.settings import CommunicationSettings
from helpy.exceptions import CommunicationError
from helpy._interfaces.url import HttpUrl
class CommunicationError(HelpyError):
"""Base class for all communication related errors."""
class ExceededAmountOfRetriesError(CommunicationError):
"""Raised if exceeded amount of retries."""
class AbstractCommunicator(ABC):
"""Provides basic interface for communicators, which can implement communications using different way."""
max_retries: ClassVar[int] = 5
period_between_retries: ClassVar[timedelta] = timedelta(seconds=1)
timeout: ClassVar[timedelta] = timedelta(seconds=2)
def __init__(self, *args: Any, settings: CommunicationSettings | None = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
self.__settings = settings or CommunicationSettings()
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def settings(self) -> CommunicationSettings:
return self.__settings
def send(self, url: HttpUrl, data: str) -> str:
......@@ -35,26 +31,17 @@ class AbstractCommunicator(ABC):
async def async_send(self, url: HttpUrl, data: str) -> str:
"""Sends to given url given data asynchronously."""
async def _async_sleep_for_retry(cls) -> None:
async def _async_sleep_for_retry(self) -> None:
"""Sleeps using asyncio.sleep (for asynchronous implementations)."""
await asyncio.sleep(cls.period_between_retries.total_seconds())
await asyncio.sleep(self.settings.period_between_retries.total_seconds())
def _sleep_for_retry(cls) -> None:
def _sleep_for_retry(self) -> None:
"""Sleeps using time.sleep (for synchronous implementations)."""
def _is_amount_of_retries_exceeded(cls, amount: int) -> bool:
def _is_amount_of_retries_exceeded(self, amount: int) -> bool:
"""Returns is given amount of retries exceeds max_retries."""
return amount > cls.max_retries
def _assert_is_amount_of_retries_exceeded(cls, amount: int) -> None:
"""Checks is given amount of retries exceeds max_retries and if so raises ExceededAmountOfRetriesError."""
if cls._is_amount_of_retries_exceeded(amount=amount):
raise ExceededAmountOfRetriesError
return amount > self.settings.max_retries
def _json_headers(cls) -> dict[str, str]:
......@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ import httpx
from import (
from helpy.exceptions import CommunicationError
from helpy._interfaces.url import HttpUrl
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class HttpxCommunicator(AbstractCommunicator):
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.__async_client: httpx.AsyncClient | None = httpx.AsyncClient(
timeout=self.timeout.total_seconds(), http2=True
timeout=self.settings.timeout.total_seconds(), http2=True
async def close(self) -> None:
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class HttpxCommunicator(AbstractCommunicator):
self._assert_status_code(status_code=response.status_code, sent=data, received=data_received)
return data_received # noqa: TRY300
except httpx.ConnectError as error:
raise CommunicationError(url, data) from error
raise CommunicationError(url=url.as_string(), request=data) from error
except httpx.HTTPError as error:
last_exception = error
await self._async_sleep_for_retry()
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ class HttpxCommunicator(AbstractCommunicator):
self._assert_status_code(status_code=response.status_code, sent=data, received=data_received)
return data_received # noqa: TRY300
except httpx.ConnectError as error:
raise CommunicationError(url, data) from error
raise CommunicationError(url=url.as_string(), request=data) from error
except httpx.HTTPError as error:
last_exception = error
......@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ import requests
from import (
from helpy.exceptions import CommunicationError
from helpy._interfaces.url import HttpUrl
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class RequestCommunicator(AbstractCommunicator):
self._assert_status_code(status_code=response.status_code, sent=data, received=data_received)
return data_received # noqa: TRY300
except httpx.ConnectError as error:
raise CommunicationError(url, data) from error
raise CommunicationError(url=url.as_string(), request=data) from error
except httpx.HTTPError as error:
last_exception = error
from __future__ import annotations
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import timedelta
class CommunicationSettings:
max_retries: int = 5
timeout: timedelta = timedelta(seconds=5)
period_between_retries: timedelta = timedelta(seconds=1)
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import re
from abc import ABC
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime
from enum import IntEnum
from functools import partial, wraps
from typing import (
......@@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ from import (
from helpy._handles.batch_handle import AsyncBatchHandle, SyncBatchHandle
from schemas._preconfigured_base_model import PreconfiguredBaseModel
from schemas.operations.representations.legacy_representation import LegacyRepresentation
......@@ -30,11 +32,19 @@ if TYPE_CHECKING:
P = ParamSpec("P")
HandleT = TypeVar("HandleT", bound=AbstractAsyncHandle | AbstractSyncHandle)
SyncHandleT = AbstractSyncHandle | SyncBatchHandle
AsyncHandleT = AbstractAsyncHandle | AsyncBatchHandle
HandleT = TypeVar("HandleT", bound=SyncHandleT | AsyncHandleT)
RegisteredApisT = defaultdict[bool, defaultdict[str, set[str]]]
class ApiArgumentSerialization(IntEnum):
def _convert_pascal_case_to_sneak_case(pascal_case_input: str) -> str:
return re.sub(r"(?<!^)(?=[A-Z])", "_", pascal_case_input).lower()
......@@ -63,9 +73,23 @@ class AbstractApi(ABC, Generic[HandleT]):
return partial(json.dumps, cls=JsonEncoder)
def _serialize_params(self, args: Any, kwargs: dict[str, Any]) -> str: # noqa: ARG002
def _serialize_params(self, args: Any, kwargs: dict[str, Any]) -> str:
"""Return serialized given params. Can be overloaded."""
return AbstractApi.json_dumps()(kwargs)
json_dumps = AbstractApi.json_dumps()
if self.argument_serialization() == ApiArgumentSerialization.ARRAY:
return json_dumps(args)
if self.argument_serialization() == ApiArgumentSerialization.DOUBLE_ARRAY:
return json_dumps([args])
prepared_kwargs = {}
for key, value in kwargs.items():
prepared_kwargs[key.strip("_")] = value
return json_dumps(prepared_kwargs)
def _verify_positional_keyword_args(self, args: Any, kwargs: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
if self.argument_serialization() == ApiArgumentSerialization.OBJECT:
assert len(args) == 0, "This api allows only keyword arguments; Ex.: foo(a=1, b=2, c=3)"
assert len(kwargs) == 0, "This api allows only positional arguments; Ex.: foo(1, 2, 3)"
def _api_name(cls) -> str:
......@@ -90,14 +114,17 @@ class AbstractApi(ABC, Generic[HandleT]):
return pytest_is_running.is_running()
def argument_serialization(self) -> ApiArgumentSerialization:
return ApiArgumentSerialization.OBJECT
def __init__(self, owner: HandleT) -> None:
self._owner = owner
class AbstractSyncApi(AbstractApi[AbstractSyncHandle]):
class AbstractSyncApi(AbstractApi[SyncHandleT]):
"""Base class for all apis, that provides synchronous endpoints."""
def __init__(self, owner: AbstractSyncHandle) -> None:
def __init__(self, owner: SyncHandleT) -> None:
......@@ -110,6 +137,7 @@ class AbstractSyncApi(AbstractApi[AbstractSyncHandle]):
def impl(this: AbstractSyncApi, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> ExpectResultT:
this._verify_positional_keyword_args(args, kwargs)
return this._owner._send( # type: ignore[no-any-return, union-attr, misc]
params=this._serialize_params(args=args, kwargs=kwargs),
......@@ -119,10 +147,10 @@ class AbstractSyncApi(AbstractApi[AbstractSyncHandle]):
return impl # type: ignore[return-value]
class AbstractAsyncApi(AbstractApi[AbstractAsyncHandle]):
class AbstractAsyncApi(AbstractApi[AsyncHandleT]):
"""Base class for all apis, that provides asynchronous endpoints."""
def __init__(self, owner: AbstractAsyncHandle) -> None:
def __init__(self, owner: AsyncHandleT) -> None:
......@@ -137,6 +165,7 @@ class AbstractAsyncApi(AbstractApi[AbstractAsyncHandle]):
async def impl(this: AbstractAsyncApi, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> ExpectResultT:
this._verify_positional_keyword_args(args, kwargs)
return ( # type: ignore[no-any-return]
await this._owner._async_send( # type: ignore[misc]
......@@ -2,11 +2,7 @@ from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Generic
from import HandleT
from import (
from import AsyncHandleT, HandleT, SyncHandleT
class AbstractApiCollection(Generic[HandleT]):
......@@ -16,15 +12,15 @@ class AbstractApiCollection(Generic[HandleT]):
self._owner = owner
class AbstractAsyncApiCollection(AbstractApiCollection[AbstractAsyncHandle]):
class AbstractAsyncApiCollection(AbstractApiCollection[AsyncHandleT]):
"""Base class for Async Api Collections."""
def __init__(self, owner: AbstractAsyncHandle) -> None:
def __init__(self, owner: AsyncHandleT) -> None:
class AbstractSyncApiCollection(AbstractApiCollection[AbstractSyncHandle]):
class AbstractSyncApiCollection(AbstractApiCollection[SyncHandleT]):
"""Base class for Sync Api Collections."""
def __init__(self, owner: AbstractSyncHandle) -> None:
def __init__(self, owner: SyncHandleT) -> None:
......@@ -8,9 +8,10 @@ from loguru import logger
from typing_extensions import Self
from helpy._communication.httpx_communicator import HttpxCommunicator
from helpy._handles.build_json_rpc_call import build_json_rpc_call
from helpy._interfaces.context import ContextAsync, ContextSync
from helpy._interfaces.stopwatch import Stopwatch
from helpy.exceptions import HelpyError, RequestError
from helpy.exceptions import CommunicationError, HelpyError, RequestError
from schemas.jsonrpc import ExpectResultT, JSONRPCResult, get_response_model
......@@ -19,9 +20,8 @@ if TYPE_CHECKING:
from loguru import Logger
from import AbstractCommunicator
from import (
from import AbstractAsyncApiCollection, AbstractSyncApiCollection
from helpy._handles.batch_handle import AsyncBatchHandle, SyncBatchHandle
from helpy._interfaces.url import HttpUrl
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class AbstractHandle:
self.__http_endpoint = value
def api(self) -> AbstractApiCollection[AbstractAsyncHandle] | AbstractApiCollection[AbstractSyncHandle]:
def api(self) -> AbstractAsyncApiCollection | AbstractSyncApiCollection:
return self.__api
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class AbstractHandle:
return self.__logger
def _construct_api(self) -> AbstractApiCollection[AbstractAsyncHandle] | AbstractApiCollection[AbstractSyncHandle]:
def _construct_api(self) -> AbstractAsyncApiCollection | AbstractSyncApiCollection:
"""Return api collection."""
......@@ -118,20 +118,13 @@ class AbstractHandle:
assert isinstance(serialized_data, JSONRPCResult)
return serialized_data
def _build_json_rpc_call(cls, *, method: str, params: str) -> str:
"""Builds params for jsonrpc call."""
return (
"""{"id": 0, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": \""""
+ method
+ '"'
+ (""", "params":""" + params if params else "")
+ "}"
def __configure_logger(self) -> Logger:
return logger.bind(**self._logger_extras())
def batch(self, *, delay_error_on_data_access: bool = False) -> SyncBatchHandle[Any] | AsyncBatchHandle[Any]:
"""Returns sync batch handle."""
class _SyncCall(Protocol):
def __call__(
......@@ -151,31 +144,38 @@ def _retry_on_unable_to_acquire_database_lock( # noqa: C901
async_version: bool,
) -> Callable[[_SyncCall | _AsyncCall], Callable[..., JSONRPCResult[Any] | Awaitable[JSONRPCResult[Any]]]]:
# inspired by:
def __workaround_communication_problem_with_node(
def __workaround_communication_problem_with_node( # noqa: C901
send_request: _SyncCall | _AsyncCall,
) -> Callable[..., JSONRPCResult[Any]]:
def __handle_exception(exception: RequestError) -> None:
message = exception.error
if isinstance(message, dict):
message = message["message"]
if "Unable to acquire database lock" in message:
logger.debug("Ignored 'Unable to acquire database lock'")
def __handle_exception(this: AbstractHandle, exception: RequestError | CommunicationError) -> None:
ignored_messages = [
"Unable to acquire database lock",
"Unable to acquire forkdb lock",
message = exception.error if isinstance(exception, RequestError) else str(exception.args)
for imsg in ignored_messages:
if imsg in message:
logger.debug(f"Ignored for {this.http_endpoint}: '{imsg}'")
raise exception
def sync_impl(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> JSONRPCResult[Any]:
def sync_impl(this: AbstractHandle, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> JSONRPCResult[Any]:
while True:
return send_request(*args, **kwargs) # type: ignore[return-value]
return send_request(*[this, *args], **kwargs) # type: ignore[return-value]
except CommunicationError as exception:
__handle_exception(this, exception)
except RequestError as exception:
__handle_exception(this, exception)
async def async_impl(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> JSONRPCResult[Any]:
async def async_impl(this: AbstractHandle, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> JSONRPCResult[Any]:
while True:
return await send_request(*args, **kwargs) # type: ignore[no-any-return, misc]
return await send_request(*[this, *args], **kwargs) # type: ignore[no-any-return, misc]
except CommunicationError as exception:
__handle_exception(this, exception)
except RequestError as exception:
__handle_exception(this, exception)
return async_impl if async_version else sync_impl # type: ignore[return-value]
......@@ -190,11 +190,11 @@ class AbstractAsyncHandle(ABC, AbstractHandle, ContextAsync[Self]): # type: ign
self, *, endpoint: str, params: str, expected_type: type[ExpectResultT]
) -> JSONRPCResult[ExpectResultT]:
"""Sends data asynchronously to handled service basing on jsonrpc."""
request = self._build_json_rpc_call(method=endpoint, params=params)
self.logger.debug(f"sending to `{self.http_endpoint.as_string()}`: `{request}`")
request = build_json_rpc_call(method=endpoint, params=params)
self.logger.trace(f"sending to `{self.http_endpoint.as_string()}`: `{request}`")
with Stopwatch() as record:
response = await self._communicator.async_send(self.http_endpoint, data=request)
f"got response in {record.seconds_delta :.5f}s from `{self.http_endpoint.as_string()}`: `{response}`"
return self._response_handle(params=params, response=response, expected_type=expected_type)
......@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ class AbstractSyncHandle(ABC, AbstractHandle, ContextSync[Self]): # type: ignor
@_retry_on_unable_to_acquire_database_lock(async_version=False) # type: ignore[arg-type]
def _send(self, *, endpoint: str, params: str, expected_type: type[ExpectResultT]) -> JSONRPCResult[ExpectResultT]:
"""Sends data synchronously to handled service basing on jsonrpc."""
request = self._build_json_rpc_call(method=endpoint, params=params)
request = build_json_rpc_call(method=endpoint, params=params)
self.logger.debug(f"sending to `{self.http_endpoint.as_string()}`: `{request}`")
with Stopwatch() as record:
response = self._communicator.send(self.http_endpoint, data=request)
from __future__ import annotations
import json
from import Callable
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Generic, Literal, TypeVar
from helpy._handles.build_json_rpc_call import build_json_rpc_call
from helpy.exceptions import CommunicationError, JsonT, NothingToSendError, ResponseNotReadyError
from schemas.jsonrpc import ExpectResultT, JSONRPCResult, get_response_model
from types import TracebackType
from typing_extensions import Self
from import AbstractCommunicator
from helpy._interfaces.url import HttpUrl
class _DelayedResponseWrapper:
def __init__(self, url: HttpUrl, request: str, expected_type: type[ExpectResultT]) -> None:
super().__setattr__("_url", url)
super().__setattr__("_request", request)
super().__setattr__("_response", None)
super().__setattr__("_exception", None)
super().__setattr__("_expected_type", expected_type)
def __check_is_response_available(self) -> None:
if (exception := super().__getattribute__("_exception")) is not None:
raise exception
if self.__get_data() is None:
raise ResponseNotReadyError
def __get_data(self) -> Any:
response = super().__getattribute__("_response")
if response is None:
return None
if isinstance(response, JSONRPCResult):
return response.result
return response
def __setattr__(self, __name: str, __value: Any) -> None:
setattr(self.__get_data(), __name, __value)
def __getattr__(self, __name: str) -> Any:
return getattr(self.__get_data(), __name)
def _set_response(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
expected_type = super().__getattribute__("_expected_type")
response = get_response_model(expected_type, **kwargs)
assert isinstance(response, JSONRPCResult)
super().__setattr__("_response", response.result)
def _set_exception(self, exception: BaseException) -> None:
super().__setattr__("_exception", exception)
class _BatchRequestResponseItem:
request: str
delayed_result: _DelayedResponseWrapper
class _PostRequestManager:
def __init__(self, owner: _BatchHandle, batch_objs: list[_BatchRequestResponseItem]) -> None:
self.__batch = batch_objs
self.__owner = owner
self.__responses: list[dict[str, Any]] = []
def set_responses(self, responses: str) -> None:
self.__responses = json.loads(responses)
def __enter__(self) -> Self:
return self
def __set_response_or_exception(self, request_id: int, response: dict[str, Any], exception_url: str = "") -> None:
if "error" in response:
# creating a new instance so other responses won't be included in the error
new_error = CommunicationError(
if not self.__owner._delay_error_on_data_access:
raise new_error
def __handle_no_exception_case(self) -> None:
for response in self.__responses:
self.__set_response_or_exception(request_id=int(response["id"]), response=response)
def __handle_exception_and_no_responses_exists(self, exception: BaseException) -> bool:
for request_id in range(len(self.__batch)):
if not self.__owner._delay_error_on_data_access:
return False
return True
def __handle_exception_and_responses_exists(self, responses: list[JsonT], url: str) -> bool:
for response in responses:
self.__set_response_or_exception(request_id=int(response["id"]), response=response, exception_url=url)
return not self.__owner._delay_error_on_data_access
def __validate_response_count(self, response: list[JsonT]) -> None:
message = "Invalid amount of responses_from_error"
assert len(response) == len(self.__batch), message
def __handle_exception_case(self, exception: BaseException) -> bool:
if not isinstance(exception, CommunicationError) and isinstance(exception, BaseException):
return False
responses_from_error = exception.get_response()
if responses_from_error is None:
return self.__handle_exception_and_no_responses_exists(exception)
message = f"Invalid error response format: expected list, got {type(responses_from_error)}"
assert isinstance(responses_from_error, list), message
return self.__handle_exception_and_responses_exists(responses_from_error, exception.url)
def __exit__(
self, _: type[BaseException] | None, exception: BaseException | None, traceback: TracebackType | None
) -> bool:
if exception is None and len(self.__responses):
return True
assert exception is not None
return self.__handle_exception_case(exception)
class _BatchHandle:
def __init__(
url: HttpUrl,
communicator: AbstractCommunicator,
*args: Any,
delay_error_on_data_access: bool = False,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.__url = url
self.__communicator = communicator
self._delay_error_on_data_access = delay_error_on_data_access
self.__batch: list[_BatchRequestResponseItem] = []
def _impl_handle_request(self, endpoint: str, params: str, *, expect_type: type[ExpectResultT]) -> ExpectResultT:
class DummyResponse:
result: Any
request = build_json_rpc_call(method=endpoint, params=params, id_=len(self.__batch))
delayed_result = _DelayedResponseWrapper(url=self.__url, request=request, expected_type=expect_type)
self.__batch.append(_BatchRequestResponseItem(request=request, delayed_result=delayed_result))
return DummyResponse(result=delayed_result) # type: ignore[return-value]
def __sync_evaluate(self) -> None:
query = self.__prepare_request()
with _PostRequestManager(self, self.__batch) as mgr:
mgr.set_responses(self.__communicator.send(url=self.__url, data=query))
async def __async_evaluate(self) -> None:
query = self.__prepare_request()
with _PostRequestManager(self, self.__batch) as mgr:
mgr.set_responses(await self.__communicator.async_send(url=self.__url, data=query))
def __prepare_request(self) -> str:
return "[" + ",".join([x.request for x in self.__batch]) + "]"
def _get_batch_delayed_result(self, request_id: int) -> _DelayedResponseWrapper:
return self.__batch[request_id].delayed_result
def __is_anything_to_send(self) -> bool:
return bool(self.__batch)
async def __aenter__(self) -> Self:
return self
async def __aexit__(self, _: type[Exception] | None, ex: Exception | None, ___: TracebackType | None) -> None:
if not self.__is_anything_to_send():
raise NothingToSendError
await self.__async_evaluate()
def __enter__(self) -> Self:
return self
def __exit__(self, _: type[Exception] | None, ex: Exception | None, ___: TracebackType | None) -> Literal[False]:
if not self.__is_anything_to_send():
raise NothingToSendError
return False
ApiT = TypeVar("ApiT")
OwnerT = TypeVar("OwnerT")
ApiFactory = Callable[[OwnerT], ApiT]
class SyncBatchHandle(_BatchHandle, Generic[ApiT]):
def __init__(
url: HttpUrl,
communicator: AbstractCommunicator,
api: ApiFactory[Self, ApiT],
*args: Any,
delay_error_on_data_access: bool = False,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
super().__init__(url, communicator, *args, delay_error_on_data_access=delay_error_on_data_access, **kwargs)
self.api: ApiT = api(self)
def _send(self, *, endpoint: str, params: str, expected_type: type[ExpectResultT]) -> JSONRPCResult[ExpectResultT]:
return self._impl_handle_request(endpoint, params, expect_type=expected_type) # type: ignore[arg-type]
class AsyncBatchHandle(_BatchHandle, Generic[ApiT]):
def __init__(
url: HttpUrl,
communicator: AbstractCommunicator,
api: ApiFactory[Self, ApiT],
*args: Any,
delay_error_on_data_access: bool = False,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
super().__init__(url, communicator, *args, delay_error_on_data_access=delay_error_on_data_access, **kwargs)
self.api: ApiT = api(self)
async def _async_send(
self, *, endpoint: str, params: str, expected_type: type[ExpectResultT]
) -> JSONRPCResult[ExpectResultT]:
return self._impl_handle_request(endpoint, params, expect_type=expected_type) # type: ignore[arg-type]
......@@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ from import (
from helpy._handles.beekeeper.api import AsyncBeekeeperApi, SyncBeekeeperApi
from import AbstractAsyncHandle, AbstractSyncHandle
from import AsyncHandleT, SyncHandleT
class BeekeeperAsyncApiCollection(AbstractAsyncApiCollection):
"""Beekeepers collection of available apis in async version."""
def __init__(self, owner: AbstractAsyncHandle) -> None:
def __init__(self, owner: AsyncHandleT) -> None:
self.beekeeper = AsyncBeekeeperApi(owner=self._owner)
......@@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ class BeekeeperAsyncApiCollection(AbstractAsyncApiCollection):
class BeekeeperSyncApiCollection(AbstractSyncApiCollection):
"""Beekeepers collection of available apis in async version."""
def __init__(self, owner: AbstractSyncHandle) -> None:
def __init__(self, owner: SyncHandleT) -> None:
self.beekeeper = SyncBeekeeperApi(owner=self._owner)
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ from __future__ import annotations
from typing import cast
from import AbstractAsyncHandle, AbstractSyncHandle
from helpy._handles.batch_handle import AsyncBatchHandle, SyncBatchHandle
from helpy._handles.beekeeper.api.api_collection import (
......@@ -27,6 +28,14 @@ class Beekeeper(AbstractSyncHandle):
def _target_service(self) -> str:
return _handle_target_service_name
def batch(self, *, delay_error_on_data_access: bool = False) -> SyncBatchHandle[BeekeeperSyncApiCollection]:
return SyncBatchHandle(
api=lambda o: BeekeeperSyncApiCollection(owner=o),
class AsyncBeekeeper(AbstractAsyncHandle):
"""Asynchronous handle for beekeeper service communication."""
......@@ -43,3 +52,11 @@ class AsyncBeekeeper(AbstractAsyncHandle):
def _target_service(self) -> str:
return _handle_target_service_name
def batch(self, *, delay_error_on_data_access: bool = False) -> AsyncBatchHandle[BeekeeperAsyncApiCollection]:
return AsyncBatchHandle(
api=lambda o: BeekeeperAsyncApiCollection(owner=o),
from __future__ import annotations
def build_json_rpc_call(*, method: str, params: str, id_: int = 0) -> str:
"""Builds params for jsonrpc call."""
return (
+ str(id_)
+ ""","jsonrpc":"2.0","method":\""""
+ method
+ '"'
+ (""","params":""" + params if params else "")
+ "}"
......@@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ from helpy._handles.hived.api.wallet_bridge_api import (
from import AbstractAsyncHandle, AbstractSyncHandle
from import AsyncHandleT, SyncHandleT
class HivedAsyncApiCollection(AbstractAsyncApiCollection):
def __init__(self, owner: AbstractAsyncHandle) -> None:
def __init__(self, owner: AsyncHandleT) -> None:
self.account_by_key = AsyncAccountByKeyApi(owner=self._owner)
self.account_history = AsyncAccountHistoryApi(owner=self._owner)
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ class HivedAsyncApiCollection(AbstractAsyncApiCollection):
class HivedSyncApiCollection(AbstractSyncApiCollection):
def __init__(self, owner: AbstractSyncHandle) -> None:
def __init__(self, owner: SyncHandleT) -> None:
self.account_by_key = SyncAccountByKeyApi(owner=self._owner)
self.account_history = SyncAccountHistoryApi(owner=self._owner)
from __future__ import annotations
from datetime import datetime # noqa: TCH003
from typing import Any
from import AbstractAsyncApi
from import AbstractAsyncApi, ApiArgumentSerialization
from helpy._handles.hived.api.condenser_api.common import CondenserApiCommons
from schemas.apis import condenser_api # noqa: TCH001
from schemas.transaction import TransactionLegacy # noqa: TCH001
......@@ -12,27 +11,27 @@ from schemas.transaction import TransactionLegacy # noqa: TCH001
class CondenserApi(AbstractAsyncApi, CondenserApiCommons):
api = AbstractAsyncApi._endpoint
def _serialize_params(self, args: Any, kwargs: dict[str, Any]) -> str: # noqa: ARG002
return self._legacy_serialization(args=args)
def argument_serialization(self) -> ApiArgumentSerialization:
return ApiArgumentSerialization.ARRAY
async def get_version(self) -> condenser_api.GetVersion:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_active_witnesses(self, /, include_future: bool = False) -> condenser_api.GetActiveWitnesses:
async def get_active_witnesses(self, include_future: bool = False, /) -> condenser_api.GetActiveWitnesses:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_block_header(self, /, block_num: int) -> condenser_api.GetBlockHeader:
async def get_block_header(self, block_num: int, /) -> condenser_api.GetBlockHeader:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_block(self, /, block_num: int) -> condenser_api.GetBlock:
async def get_block(self, block_num: int, /) -> condenser_api.GetBlock:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_ops_in_block(self, /, block_num: int, only_virtual: bool = False) -> condenser_api.GetOpsInBlock:
async def get_ops_in_block(self, block_num: int, only_virtual: bool = False, /) -> condenser_api.GetOpsInBlock:
raise NotImplementedError
......@@ -56,7 +55,7 @@ class CondenserApi(AbstractAsyncApi, CondenserApiCommons):
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_witness_schedule(self, /, include_future: bool = False) -> condenser_api.GetWitnessSchedule:
async def get_witness_schedule(self, include_future: bool = False, /) -> condenser_api.GetWitnessSchedule:
raise NotImplementedError
......@@ -68,27 +67,27 @@ class CondenserApi(AbstractAsyncApi, CondenserApiCommons):
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_reward_fund(self, /, name: str) -> condenser_api.GetRewardFund:
async def get_reward_fund(self, name: str, /) -> condenser_api.GetRewardFund:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_key_references(self, /, key: str) -> condenser_api.GetKeyReferences:
async def get_key_references(self, key: str, /) -> condenser_api.GetKeyReferences:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_accounts(
self, /, accounts: list[str], delayed_votes_active: bool = True
self, accounts: list[str], delayed_votes_active: bool = True, /
) -> condenser_api.GetAccounts:
raise NotImplementedError
async def lookup_account_names(
self, /, accounts: list[str], delayed_votes_active: bool = True
self, accounts: list[str], delayed_votes_active: bool = True, /
) -> condenser_api.LookupAccountNames:
raise NotImplementedError
async def lookup_accounts(self, /, lower_bound_name: str, limit: int) -> condenser_api.LookupAccounts:
async def lookup_accounts(self, lower_bound_name: str, limit: int, /) -> condenser_api.LookupAccounts:
raise NotImplementedError
......@@ -96,69 +95,69 @@ class CondenserApi(AbstractAsyncApi, CondenserApiCommons):
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_owner_history(self, /, owner: str) -> condenser_api.GetOwnerHistory:
async def get_owner_history(self, owner: str, /) -> condenser_api.GetOwnerHistory:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_recovery_request(self, /, account: str) -> condenser_api.GetRecoveryRequest:
async def get_recovery_request(self, account: str, /) -> condenser_api.GetRecoveryRequest:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_escrow(
self, /, start: tuple[str, int] | tuple[bool, datetime, int], limit: int, order: CondenserApi.SORT_TYPES
self, start: tuple[str, int] | tuple[bool, datetime, int], limit: int, order: CondenserApi.SORT_TYPES, /
) -> condenser_api.GetEscrow:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_withdraw_routes(
self, /, account: str, destination: CondenserApi.WITHDRAW_ROUTE_TYPES
self, account: str, destination: CondenserApi.WITHDRAW_ROUTE_TYPES, /
) -> condenser_api.GetWithdrawRoutes:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_savings_withdraw_from(self, /, account: str) -> condenser_api.GetSavingsWithdrawFrom:
async def get_savings_withdraw_from(self, account: str, /) -> condenser_api.GetSavingsWithdrawFrom:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_savings_withdraw_to(self, /, account: str) -> condenser_api.GetSavingsWithdrawTo:
async def get_savings_withdraw_to(self, account: str, /) -> condenser_api.GetSavingsWithdrawTo:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_vesting_delegations(
self, /, account: str, start: str, limit: int = 100
self, account: str, start: str, limit: int = 100, /
) -> condenser_api.GetVestingDelegations:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_expiring_vesting_delegations(
self, /, account: str, start: str, limit: int = 100
self, account: str, start: str, limit: int = 100, /
) -> condenser_api.GetExpiringVestingDelegations:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_witnesses(self, /, witness_ids: list[int]) -> condenser_api.GetWitnesses:
async def get_witnesses(self, witness_ids: list[int], /) -> condenser_api.GetWitnesses:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_conversion_requests(self, /, account: str) -> condenser_api.GetConversionRequests:
async def get_conversion_requests(self, account: str, /) -> condenser_api.GetConversionRequests:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_collateralized_conversion_requests(
self, /, account: str
self, account: str, /
) -> condenser_api.GetCollateralizedConversionRequests:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_witness_by_account(self, /, account: str) -> condenser_api.GetWitnessByAccount:
async def get_witness_by_account(self, account: str, /) -> condenser_api.GetWitnessByAccount:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_witnesses_by_vote(self, /, start_name: str, limit: int) -> condenser_api.GetWitnessesByVote:
async def get_witnesses_by_vote(self, start_name: str, limit: int, /) -> condenser_api.GetWitnessesByVote:
raise NotImplementedError
async def lookup_witness_accounts(self, /, start: str, limit: int) -> condenser_api.LookupWitnessAccounts:
async def lookup_witness_accounts(self, start: str, limit: int, /) -> condenser_api.LookupWitnessAccounts:
raise NotImplementedError
......@@ -166,37 +165,37 @@ class CondenserApi(AbstractAsyncApi, CondenserApiCommons):
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_open_orders(self, /, owner: str) -> condenser_api.GetOpenOrders:
async def get_open_orders(self, owner: str, /) -> condenser_api.GetOpenOrders:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_transaction_hex(self, /, transaction: TransactionLegacy) -> condenser_api.GetTransactionHex:
async def get_transaction_hex(self, transaction: TransactionLegacy, /) -> condenser_api.GetTransactionHex:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_transaction(self, /, transaction_id: str) -> condenser_api.GetTransaction:
async def get_transaction(self, transaction_id: str, /) -> condenser_api.GetTransaction:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_required_signatures(
self, /, transaction: TransactionLegacy, public_key: str
self, transaction: TransactionLegacy, public_key: str, /
) -> condenser_api.GetRequiredSignatures:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_potential_signatures(self, /, transaction: TransactionLegacy) -> condenser_api.GetPotentialSignatures:
async def get_potential_signatures(self, transaction: TransactionLegacy, /) -> condenser_api.GetPotentialSignatures:
raise NotImplementedError
async def verify_authority(self, /, transaction: TransactionLegacy) -> condenser_api.VerifyAuthority:
async def verify_authority(self, transaction: TransactionLegacy, /) -> condenser_api.VerifyAuthority:
raise NotImplementedError
async def verify_account_authority(self, /, transaction: TransactionLegacy) -> condenser_api.VerifyAccountAuthority:
async def verify_account_authority(self, transaction: TransactionLegacy, /) -> condenser_api.VerifyAccountAuthority:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_active_votes(self, /, author: str, permlink: str) -> condenser_api.GetActiveVotes:
async def get_active_votes(self, author: str, permlink: str, /) -> condenser_api.GetActiveVotes:
raise NotImplementedError
......@@ -211,17 +210,17 @@ class CondenserApi(AbstractAsyncApi, CondenserApiCommons):
raise NotImplementedError
async def broadcast_transaction(self, /, transaction: TransactionLegacy) -> condenser_api.BroadcastTransaction:
async def broadcast_transaction(self, transaction: TransactionLegacy, /) -> condenser_api.BroadcastTransaction:
raise NotImplementedError
async def broadcast_transaction_synchronous(
self, /, transaction: TransactionLegacy
self, transaction: TransactionLegacy, /
) -> condenser_api.BroadcastTransactionSynchronous:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_account_reputations(self, /, account: str, limit: int = 1000) -> condenser_api.GetAccountReputations:
async def get_account_reputations(self, account: str, limit: int = 1000, /) -> condenser_api.GetAccountReputations:
raise NotImplementedError
......@@ -233,22 +232,22 @@ class CondenserApi(AbstractAsyncApi, CondenserApiCommons):
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_order_book(self, /, limit: int = 500) -> condenser_api.GetOrderBook:
async def get_order_book(self, limit: int = 500, /) -> condenser_api.GetOrderBook:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_trade_history(
self, /, start: datetime, stop: datetime, limit: int = 1000
self, start: datetime, stop: datetime, limit: int = 1000, /
) -> condenser_api.GetTradeHistory:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_recent_trades(self, /, limit: int = 1000) -> condenser_api.GetRecentTrades:
async def get_recent_trades(self, limit: int = 1000, /) -> condenser_api.GetRecentTrades:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_market_history(
self, /, bucket_seconds: int, start: datetime, stop: datetime
self, bucket_seconds: int, start: datetime, stop: datetime, /
) -> condenser_api.GetMarketHistory:
raise NotImplementedError
......@@ -257,7 +256,7 @@ class CondenserApi(AbstractAsyncApi, CondenserApiCommons):
raise NotImplementedError
async def is_known_transaction(self, /, transaction_id: str) -> condenser_api.IsKnownTransaction:
async def is_known_transaction(self, transaction_id: str, /) -> condenser_api.IsKnownTransaction:
raise NotImplementedError
......@@ -273,7 +272,7 @@ class CondenserApi(AbstractAsyncApi, CondenserApiCommons):
raise NotImplementedError
async def find_proposals(self, /, proposals_ids: list[int]) -> condenser_api.FindProposals:
async def find_proposals(self, proposals_ids: list[int], /) -> condenser_api.FindProposals:
raise NotImplementedError
......@@ -288,19 +287,19 @@ class CondenserApi(AbstractAsyncApi, CondenserApiCommons):
raise NotImplementedError
async def find_recurrent_transfers(self, /, account: str) -> condenser_api.FindRecurrentTransfers:
async def find_recurrent_transfers(self, account: str, /) -> condenser_api.FindRecurrentTransfers:
raise NotImplementedError
async def find_rc_accounts(self, /, accounts: list[str]) -> condenser_api.FindRcAccounts:
async def find_rc_accounts(self, accounts: list[str], /) -> condenser_api.FindRcAccounts:
raise NotImplementedError
async def list_rc_accounts(self, /, start: str, limit: int) -> condenser_api.ListRcAccounts:
async def list_rc_accounts(self, start: str, limit: int, /) -> condenser_api.ListRcAccounts:
raise NotImplementedError
async def list_rc_direct_delegations(
self, /, start: tuple[str, str], limit: int
self, start: tuple[str, str], limit: int, /
) -> condenser_api.ListRcDirectDelegations:
raise NotImplementedError
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, ClassVar, Literal, TypeAlias
from typing import ClassVar, Literal, TypeAlias
from import AbstractApi
from helpy._handles.hived.api.database_api.common import DatabaseApiCommons
......@@ -11,7 +10,3 @@ class CondenserApiCommons:
SORT_DIRECTION: ClassVar[TypeAlias] = DatabaseApiCommons.SORT_DIRECTION
PROPOSAL_STATUS: ClassVar[TypeAlias] = DatabaseApiCommons.PROPOSAL_STATUS
WITHDRAW_ROUTE_TYPES = Literal["incoming", "outgoing", "all"]
def _legacy_serialization(cls, args: list[Any]) -> str:
return AbstractApi.json_dumps()(args)
from __future__ import annotations
from datetime import datetime # noqa: TCH003
from typing import Any
from import AbstractSyncApi
from import AbstractSyncApi, ApiArgumentSerialization
from helpy._handles.hived.api.condenser_api.common import CondenserApiCommons
from schemas.apis import condenser_api # noqa: TCH001
from schemas.transaction import TransactionLegacy # noqa: TCH001
......@@ -12,27 +11,27 @@ from schemas.transaction import TransactionLegacy # noqa: TCH001
class CondenserApi(AbstractSyncApi, CondenserApiCommons):
api = AbstractSyncApi._endpoint
def _serialize_params(self, args: Any, kwargs: dict[str, Any]) -> str: # noqa: ARG002
return self._legacy_serialization(args=args)
def argument_serialization(self) -> ApiArgumentSerialization:
return ApiArgumentSerialization.ARRAY
def get_version(self) -> condenser_api.GetVersion:
raise NotImplementedError
def get_active_witnesses(self, /, include_future: bool = False) -> condenser_api.GetActiveWitnesses:
def get_active_witnesses(self, include_future: bool = False, /) -> condenser_api.GetActiveWitnesses:
raise NotImplementedError
def get_block_header(self, /, block_num: int) -> condenser_api.GetBlockHeader:
def get_block_header(self, block_num: int, /) -> condenser_api.GetBlockHeader:
raise NotImplementedError
def get_block(self, /, block_num: int) -> condenser_api.GetBlock:
def get_block(self, block_num: int, /) -> condenser_api.GetBlock:
raise NotImplementedError
def get_ops_in_block(self, /, block_num: int, only_virtual: bool = False) -> condenser_api.GetOpsInBlock:
def get_ops_in_block(self, block_num: int, only_virtual: bool = False, /) -> condenser_api.GetOpsInBlock:
raise NotImplementedError
......@@ -56,7 +55,7 @@ class CondenserApi(AbstractSyncApi, CondenserApiCommons):
raise NotImplementedError
def get_witness_schedule(self, /, include_future: bool = False) -> condenser_api.GetWitnessSchedule:
def get_witness_schedule(self, include_future: bool = False, /) -> condenser_api.GetWitnessSchedule:
raise NotImplementedError
......@@ -68,25 +67,25 @@ class CondenserApi(AbstractSyncApi, CondenserApiCommons):
raise NotImplementedError
def get_reward_fund(self, /, name: str) -> condenser_api.GetRewardFund:
def get_reward_fund(self, name: str, /) -> condenser_api.GetRewardFund:
raise NotImplementedError
def get_key_references(self, /, key: str) -> condenser_api.GetKeyReferences:
def get_key_references(self, key: str, /) -> condenser_api.GetKeyReferences:
raise NotImplementedError
def get_accounts(self, /, accounts: list[str], delayed_votes_active: bool = True) -> condenser_api.GetAccounts:
def get_accounts(self, accounts: list[str], delayed_votes_active: bool = True, /) -> condenser_api.GetAccounts:
raise NotImplementedError
def lookup_account_names(
self, /, accounts: list[str], delayed_votes_active: bool = True
self, accounts: list[str], delayed_votes_active: bool = True, /
) -> condenser_api.LookupAccountNames:
raise NotImplementedError
def lookup_accounts(self, /, lower_bound_name: str, limit: int) -> condenser_api.LookupAccounts:
def lookup_accounts(self, lower_bound_name: str, limit: int, /) -> condenser_api.LookupAccounts:
raise NotImplementedError
......@@ -94,69 +93,69 @@ class CondenserApi(AbstractSyncApi, CondenserApiCommons):
raise NotImplementedError
def get_owner_history(self, /, owner: str) -> condenser_api.GetOwnerHistory:
def get_owner_history(self, owner: str, /) -> condenser_api.GetOwnerHistory:
raise NotImplementedError
def get_recovery_request(self, /, account: str) -> condenser_api.GetRecoveryRequest:
def get_recovery_request(self, account: str, /) -> condenser_api.GetRecoveryRequest:
raise NotImplementedError
def get_escrow(
self, /, start: tuple[str, int] | tuple[bool, datetime, int], limit: int, order: CondenserApi.SORT_TYPES
self, start: tuple[str, int] | tuple[bool, datetime, int], limit: int, order: CondenserApi.SORT_TYPES, /
) -> condenser_api.GetEscrow:
raise NotImplementedError
def get_withdraw_routes(
self, /, account: str, destination: CondenserApi.WITHDRAW_ROUTE_TYPES
self, account: str, destination: CondenserApi.WITHDRAW_ROUTE_TYPES, /
) -> condenser_api.GetWithdrawRoutes:
raise NotImplementedError
def get_savings_withdraw_from(self, /, account: str) -> condenser_api.GetSavingsWithdrawFrom:
def get_savings_withdraw_from(self, account: str, /) -> condenser_api.GetSavingsWithdrawFrom:
raise NotImplementedError
def get_savings_withdraw_to(self, /, account: str) -> condenser_api.GetSavingsWithdrawTo:
def get_savings_withdraw_to(self, account: str, /) -> condenser_api.GetSavingsWithdrawTo:
raise NotImplementedError
def get_vesting_delegations(
self, /, account: str, start: str, limit: int = 100
self, account: str, start: str, limit: int = 100, /
) -> condenser_api.GetVestingDelegations:
raise NotImplementedError
def get_expiring_vesting_delegations(
self, /, account: str, start: str, limit: int = 100
self, account: str, start: str, limit: int = 100, /
) -> condenser_api.GetExpiringVestingDelegations:
raise NotImplementedError
def get_witnesses(self, /, witness_ids: list[int]) -> condenser_api.GetWitnesses:
def get_witnesses(self, witness_ids: list[int], /) -> condenser_api.GetWitnesses:
raise NotImplementedError
def get_conversion_requests(self, /, account: str) -> condenser_api.GetConversionRequests:
def get_conversion_requests(self, account: str, /) -> condenser_api.GetConversionRequests:
raise NotImplementedError
def get_collateralized_conversion_requests(
self, /, account: str
self, account: str, /
) -> condenser_api.GetCollateralizedConversionRequests:
raise NotImplementedError
def get_witness_by_account(self, /, account: str) -> condenser_api.GetWitnessByAccount:
def get_witness_by_account(self, account: str, /) -> condenser_api.GetWitnessByAccount:
raise NotImplementedError
def get_witnesses_by_vote(self, /, start_name: str, limit: int) -> condenser_api.GetWitnessesByVote:
def get_witnesses_by_vote(self, start_name: str, limit: int, /) -> condenser_api.GetWitnessesByVote:
raise NotImplementedError
def lookup_witness_accounts(self, /, start: str, limit: int) -> condenser_api.LookupWitnessAccounts:
def lookup_witness_accounts(self, start: str, limit: int, /) -> condenser_api.LookupWitnessAccounts:
raise NotImplementedError
......@@ -164,37 +163,37 @@ class CondenserApi(AbstractSyncApi, CondenserApiCommons):
raise NotImplementedError
def get_open_orders(self, /, owner: str) -> condenser_api.GetOpenOrders:
def get_open_orders(self, owner: str, /) -> condenser_api.GetOpenOrders:
raise NotImplementedError
def get_transaction_hex(self, /, transaction: TransactionLegacy) -> condenser_api.GetTransactionHex:
def get_transaction_hex(self, transaction: TransactionLegacy, /) -> condenser_api.GetTransactionHex:
raise NotImplementedError
def get_transaction(self, /, transaction_id: str) -> condenser_api.GetTransaction:
def get_transaction(self, transaction_id: str, /) -> condenser_api.GetTransaction:
raise NotImplementedError
def get_required_signatures(
self, /, transaction: TransactionLegacy, public_key: str
self, transaction: TransactionLegacy, public_key: str, /
) -> condenser_api.GetRequiredSignatures:
raise NotImplementedError
def get_potential_signatures(self, /, transaction: TransactionLegacy) -> condenser_api.GetPotentialSignatures:
def get_potential_signatures(self, transaction: TransactionLegacy, /) -> condenser_api.GetPotentialSignatures:
raise NotImplementedError
def verify_authority(self, /, transaction: TransactionLegacy) -> condenser_api.VerifyAuthority:
def verify_authority(self, transaction: TransactionLegacy, /) -> condenser_api.VerifyAuthority:
raise NotImplementedError
def verify_account_authority(self, /, transaction: TransactionLegacy) -> condenser_api.VerifyAccountAuthority:
def verify_account_authority(self, transaction: TransactionLegacy, /) -> condenser_api.VerifyAccountAuthority:
raise NotImplementedError
def get_active_votes(self, /, author: str, permlink: str) -> condenser_api.GetActiveVotes:
def get_active_votes(self, author: str, permlink: str, /) -> condenser_api.GetActiveVotes:
raise NotImplementedError
......@@ -209,17 +208,17 @@ class CondenserApi(AbstractSyncApi, CondenserApiCommons):
raise NotImplementedError
def broadcast_transaction(self, /, transaction: TransactionLegacy) -> condenser_api.BroadcastTransaction:
def broadcast_transaction(self, transaction: TransactionLegacy, /) -> condenser_api.BroadcastTransaction:
raise NotImplementedError
def broadcast_transaction_synchronous(
self, /, transaction: TransactionLegacy
self, transaction: TransactionLegacy, /
) -> condenser_api.BroadcastTransactionSynchronous:
raise NotImplementedError
def get_account_reputations(self, /, account: str, limit: int = 1000) -> condenser_api.GetAccountReputations:
def get_account_reputations(self, account: str, limit: int = 1000, /) -> condenser_api.GetAccountReputations:
raise NotImplementedError
......@@ -231,20 +230,20 @@ class CondenserApi(AbstractSyncApi, CondenserApiCommons):
raise NotImplementedError
def get_order_book(self, /, limit: int = 500) -> condenser_api.GetOrderBook:
def get_order_book(self, limit: int = 500, /) -> condenser_api.GetOrderBook:
raise NotImplementedError
def get_trade_history(self, /, start: datetime, stop: datetime, limit: int = 1000) -> condenser_api.GetTradeHistory:
def get_trade_history(self, start: datetime, stop: datetime, limit: int = 1000, /) -> condenser_api.GetTradeHistory:
raise NotImplementedError
def get_recent_trades(self, /, limit: int = 1000) -> condenser_api.GetRecentTrades:
def get_recent_trades(self, limit: int = 1000, /) -> condenser_api.GetRecentTrades:
raise NotImplementedError
def get_market_history(
self, /, bucket_seconds: int, start: datetime, stop: datetime
self, bucket_seconds: int, start: datetime, stop: datetime, /
) -> condenser_api.GetMarketHistory:
raise NotImplementedError
......@@ -253,7 +252,7 @@ class CondenserApi(AbstractSyncApi, CondenserApiCommons):
raise NotImplementedError
def is_known_transaction(self, /, transaction_id: str) -> condenser_api.IsKnownTransaction:
def is_known_transaction(self, transaction_id: str, /) -> condenser_api.IsKnownTransaction:
raise NotImplementedError
......@@ -269,7 +268,7 @@ class CondenserApi(AbstractSyncApi, CondenserApiCommons):
raise NotImplementedError
def find_proposals(self, /, proposals_ids: list[int]) -> condenser_api.FindProposals:
def find_proposals(self, proposals_ids: list[int], /) -> condenser_api.FindProposals:
raise NotImplementedError
......@@ -284,19 +283,19 @@ class CondenserApi(AbstractSyncApi, CondenserApiCommons):
raise NotImplementedError
def find_recurrent_transfers(self, /, account: str) -> condenser_api.FindRecurrentTransfers:
def find_recurrent_transfers(self, account: str, /) -> condenser_api.FindRecurrentTransfers:
raise NotImplementedError
def find_rc_accounts(self, /, accounts: list[str]) -> condenser_api.FindRcAccounts:
def find_rc_accounts(self, accounts: list[str], /) -> condenser_api.FindRcAccounts:
raise NotImplementedError
def list_rc_accounts(self, /, start: str, limit: int) -> condenser_api.ListRcAccounts:
def list_rc_accounts(self, start: str, limit: int, /) -> condenser_api.ListRcAccounts:
raise NotImplementedError
def list_rc_direct_delegations(
self, /, start: tuple[str, str], limit: int
self, start: tuple[str, str], limit: int, /
) -> condenser_api.ListRcDirectDelegations:
raise NotImplementedError
from __future__ import annotations
from datetime import datetime # noqa: TCH003
from typing import Any
from import AbstractAsyncApi
from import AbstractAsyncApi, ApiArgumentSerialization
from helpy._handles.hived.api.wallet_bridge_api.common import WalletBridgeApiCommons
from helpy._interfaces.asset.asset import Hf26Asset # noqa: TCH001
from schemas.apis import wallet_bridge_api # noqa: TCH001
......@@ -13,15 +12,15 @@ from schemas.transaction import Transaction # noqa: TCH001
class WalletBridgeApi(AbstractAsyncApi, WalletBridgeApiCommons):
api = AbstractAsyncApi._endpoint
def _serialize_params(self, args: Any, kwargs: dict[str, Any]) -> str: # noqa: ARG002
return self._legacy_serialization(args=args)
def argument_serialization(self) -> ApiArgumentSerialization:
return ApiArgumentSerialization.DOUBLE_ARRAY
async def get_version(self) -> wallet_bridge_api.GetVersion:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_block(self, /, block: int) -> wallet_bridge_api.GetBlock:
async def get_block(self, block: int, /) -> wallet_bridge_api.GetBlock:
raise NotImplementedError
......@@ -41,7 +40,7 @@ class WalletBridgeApi(AbstractAsyncApi, WalletBridgeApiCommons):
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_ops_in_block(self, /, block: int, only_virtual: bool = False) -> wallet_bridge_api.GetOpsInBlock:
async def get_ops_in_block(self, block: int, only_virtual: bool = False, /) -> wallet_bridge_api.GetOpsInBlock:
raise NotImplementedError
......@@ -49,21 +48,21 @@ class WalletBridgeApi(AbstractAsyncApi, WalletBridgeApiCommons):
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_active_witnesses(self, /, include_future: bool) -> wallet_bridge_api.GetActiveWitnesses:
async def get_active_witnesses(self, include_future: bool, /) -> wallet_bridge_api.GetActiveWitnesses:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_withdraw_routes(
self, /, account: str, destination: WalletBridgeApi.WITHDRAW_ROUTE_TYPES
self, account: str, destination: WalletBridgeApi.WITHDRAW_ROUTE_TYPES, /
) -> wallet_bridge_api.GetWithdrawRoutes:
raise NotImplementedError
async def list_my_accounts(self, /, accounts: list[str]) -> wallet_bridge_api.ListMyAccounts:
async def list_my_accounts(self, accounts: list[str], /) -> wallet_bridge_api.ListMyAccounts:
raise NotImplementedError
async def list_accounts(self, /, start: str, limit: int) -> wallet_bridge_api.ListAccounts:
async def list_accounts(self, start: str, limit: int, /) -> wallet_bridge_api.ListAccounts:
raise NotImplementedError
......@@ -71,19 +70,19 @@ class WalletBridgeApi(AbstractAsyncApi, WalletBridgeApiCommons):
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_account(self, /, account: str) -> wallet_bridge_api.GetAccount:
async def get_account(self, account: str, /) -> wallet_bridge_api.GetAccount:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_accounts(self, /, accounts: list[str]) -> wallet_bridge_api.GetAccounts:
async def get_accounts(self, accounts: list[str], /) -> wallet_bridge_api.GetAccounts:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_transaction(self, /, transaction_id: str) -> wallet_bridge_api.GetTransaction:
async def get_transaction(self, transaction_id: str, /) -> wallet_bridge_api.GetTransaction:
raise NotImplementedError
async def list_witnesses(self, /, start: str, limit: int) -> wallet_bridge_api.ListWitnesses:
async def list_witnesses(self, start: str, limit: int, /) -> wallet_bridge_api.ListWitnesses:
raise NotImplementedError
......@@ -91,29 +90,29 @@ class WalletBridgeApi(AbstractAsyncApi, WalletBridgeApiCommons):
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_conversion_requests(self, /, account: str) -> wallet_bridge_api.GetConversionRequests:
async def get_conversion_requests(self, account: str, /) -> wallet_bridge_api.GetConversionRequests:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_collateralized_conversion_requests(
self, /, account: str
self, account: str, /
) -> wallet_bridge_api.GetCollateralizedConversionRequests:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_order_book(self, /, limit: int) -> wallet_bridge_api.GetOrderBook:
async def get_order_book(self, limit: int, /) -> wallet_bridge_api.GetOrderBook:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_open_orders(self, /, account: str) -> wallet_bridge_api.GetOpenOrders:
async def get_open_orders(self, account: str, /) -> wallet_bridge_api.GetOpenOrders:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_owner_history(self, /, account: str) -> wallet_bridge_api.GetOwnerHistory:
async def get_owner_history(self, account: str, /) -> wallet_bridge_api.GetOwnerHistory:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_account_history(self, /, account: str, start: int, limit: int) -> wallet_bridge_api.GetAccountHistory:
async def get_account_history(self, account: str, start: int, limit: int, /) -> wallet_bridge_api.GetAccountHistory:
raise NotImplementedError
......@@ -128,11 +127,11 @@ class WalletBridgeApi(AbstractAsyncApi, WalletBridgeApiCommons):
raise NotImplementedError
async def find_proposals(self, /, proposal_ids: list[int]) -> wallet_bridge_api.FindProposals:
async def find_proposals(self, proposal_ids: list[int], /) -> wallet_bridge_api.FindProposals:
raise NotImplementedError
async def is_known_transaction(self, /, transaction_id: str) -> wallet_bridge_api.IsKnownTransaction:
async def is_known_transaction(self, transaction_id: str, /) -> wallet_bridge_api.IsKnownTransaction:
raise NotImplementedError
......@@ -147,33 +146,33 @@ class WalletBridgeApi(AbstractAsyncApi, WalletBridgeApiCommons):
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_reward_fund(self, /, reward_fund_account: str) -> wallet_bridge_api.GetRewardFund:
async def get_reward_fund(self, reward_fund_account: str, /) -> wallet_bridge_api.GetRewardFund:
raise NotImplementedError
async def broadcast_transaction_synchronous(
self, /, transaction: Transaction
self, transaction: Transaction, /
) -> wallet_bridge_api.BroadcastTransactionSynchronous:
raise NotImplementedError
async def broadcast_transaction(self, /, transaction: Transaction) -> wallet_bridge_api.BroadcastTransaction:
async def broadcast_transaction(self, transaction: Transaction, /) -> wallet_bridge_api.BroadcastTransaction:
raise NotImplementedError
async def find_recurrent_transfers(self, /, account: str) -> wallet_bridge_api.FindRecurrentTransfers:
async def find_recurrent_transfers(self, account: str, /) -> wallet_bridge_api.FindRecurrentTransfers:
raise NotImplementedError
async def find_rc_accounts(self, /, accounts: list[str]) -> wallet_bridge_api.FindRcAccounts:
async def find_rc_accounts(self, accounts: list[str], /) -> wallet_bridge_api.FindRcAccounts:
raise NotImplementedError
async def list_rc_accounts(self, /, start: str, limit: int) -> wallet_bridge_api.ListRcAccounts:
async def list_rc_accounts(self, start: str, limit: int, /) -> wallet_bridge_api.ListRcAccounts:
raise NotImplementedError
async def list_rc_direct_delegations(
self, /, start: datetime, limit: int
self, start: datetime, limit: int, /
) -> wallet_bridge_api.ListRcDirectDelegations:
raise NotImplementedError