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Optimize CI build_and_push jobs

Mateusz Żebrak requested to merge mzebrak/ci-build into develop

Reviewers: @bwrona @kmochocki

Previously all images were pushed to the:

repositories. This had 2 problems:

  • a lot of images being pushed (with every git push command due to automatic build_and_push` process), so this is a waste of space and time of our servers
  • it was hard to distinguish stable images from other images

2 things were changed to the CI docker image build and push process:

  • on feature branches, build_and_push jobs are not run automatically, but with manual action.
  • stable (master, develop) images are pushed to a separate container registry "directory" to make it easier to distinguish them from other images
Edited by Mateusz Żebrak

Merge request reports
