ValidationError: 2 validation errors for JSONRPCResult[GetAccountHistoryModel[Hf26ApiOperationObject, Hf26ApiVirtualOperationObject]] result -> history -> 0 -> 1 -> op -> WitnessSetPropertiesHF26OperationRepresentation -> value -> props -> 0 -> 0 unexpected value; permitted: 'account_creation_fee', 'account_subsidy_budget', 'account_subsidy_decay', 'key', 'maximum_block_size', 'new_signing_key', 'sbd_exchange_rate', 'sbd_interest_rate', 'url' (type=value_error.const; given=hbd_exchange_rate; permitted=('account_creation_fee', 'account_subsidy_budget', 'account_subsidy_decay', 'key', 'maximum_block_size', 'new_signing_key', 'sbd_exchange_rate', 'sbd_interest_rate', 'url')) result -> history -> 0 -> 1 -> op No match for discriminator 'type' and value 'witness_set_properties_operation'
I'm attaching full log (compressed, so just use zcat clive_crash.log.gz to view it on console)clive_crash.log.gz
zcat clive_crash.log.gz
I forgot to mention that it was perfectly reproducible, i.e. crashing each time. Until I did: clive configure watched-account remove --account-name themarkymark so now you should have a full picture of what's going on :-)
clive configure watched-account remove --account-name themarkymark
added Priority::Medium bug labels
mentioned in merge request schemas!97 (closed)
assigned to @mzebrak
mentioned in merge request !504 (merged)
closed with merge request !504 (merged)
changed milestone to %Release v1.27.5.18
mentioned in merge request !503 (merged)
It works OK.
When an error occurred, I tested the old version (there was a crash) and the new version - there was no crash.
It is caused by the operation hbd_exchange_rate (and witness_set_properties_operation) in the history.