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Draft: Jsalyers muting changes

Jason Salyers requested to merge jsalyers-muting-v2 into develop

Tested locally but I have a feeling some API tests may break because of this. Summary of how the new system works:

  1. If a post is muted by a community admin/mod, it still gets returned but will be grayed (indexer sets the is_muted flag in the hive_posts table whenever a mod/admin mutes a post/comment, the scripts have been updated to include this field when fetching posts from the database)
  2. If the author of a post is on the observers personal mute list or a followed mute list, the post is not returned at all
  3. If the author of a post is on the observers personal blacklist or a followed blacklist, the post is returned but is grayed and the blacklist field will be expanded to contain info about which blacklists the author is part of for the observer (mute list takes preference over blacklist)
  4. If the author has a low reputation, the post is returned but is grayed and the blacklist field will contain info regarding the fact that the author has a low reputation

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