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Fixes related to bridge.get_ranked_posts

Andrzej Lisak requested to merge get_ranked_posts_fix into develop

[Ign] find_comment_id changed so it only ever looks for id when nonempty args are passed

[Fix] __post_id filled unconditionally (condition would fail to generate error if author was passed blank, but not permlink)

[Fix] everywhere where payout was needed sum of payout and pending_payout is used (this is true payout value for posts that are not paid yet)

[Fix] added ORDER BY id DESC (or changed to DESC) where it was missing (needed for paging to work correctly, also gives us correct order of newest first)

[Fix] pinned posts now subtract from limit as they used to in old version

[Fix] added missing LIMIT to bridge_get_ranked_post_by_payout_for_observer_communities and bridge_get_ranked_post_pinned_for_community (the latter is still missing paging, but that would change behaviour)

[Fix] added (and used) missing bridge_get_ranked_post_by_muted_for_observer_communities

[Fix] removed superfluous check from get_account_posts

[Change] promoted sort no longer only gives replies in results

[Change] sanity check: get_account_post_replies now requires given account to exist

marked some places where we most likely need to change use of payout into use of sum of payout and pending_payout

renamed bridge_get_ranked_post_by_trends_for_observer_community to bridge_get_ranked_post_by_trends_for_observer_communities so it follows naming convention

duplicate bridge_get_ranked_post_by_hot_for_observer_communities removed

unused __head_block_time removed from ..._by_payout_comments... and bridge_get_ranked_post_by_muted

removed superfluous sort on created_at where it was still present (sort on id is enough)

tabs removed and indentation unified

Merge request reports