- Jun 29, 2020
Dariusz Kędzierski authored
Fix for situation when len(values) is 0. Before fix it will result with malformed insert query with empty values vector.
Dariusz Kędzierski authored
- process_hive_post_operation will return post_category, - post_category will be used to set initial post tag, - post_category a parent category if parent_author exists or parent_permlingif parent_author does not exists.
Bartek Wrona authored
Conflicts resolved: hive/server/condenser_api/cursor.py hive/server/condenser_api/methods.py hive/utils/stats.py
- Jun 27, 2020
Dan Notestein authored
Bartek Wrona authored
- Jun 26, 2020
Bartek Wrona authored
Applied account_history_api::enum_virtual_ops new capabilities See merge request blocktrades/hivemind!7
Bartek Wrona authored
Merge branch 'dk-issue-3-filtered-vops' of gitlab.syncad.com:blocktrades/hivemind into dk-issue-3-filtered-vops Conflicts: hive/steem/client.py
Bartek Wrona authored
- Jun 25, 2020
Dariusz Kędzierski authored
- removed "limit":1000 option in enum_virtual_ops call (limit was causing trimming ops) - fixed some syntax errors
Bartek Wrona authored
Preliminary version using filters in enum_virtual_ops. Some strange porblems occured related to missing payout in comment_reward_operation.
- Jun 24, 2020
Dariusz Kędzierski authored
Dariusz Kędzierski authored
* added query limit to avoid SQL overflow errors, * fixed inefficient insert query, pervious was using selects for each row, - In apis: * subqueries were changed to inner joins
Dariusz Kędzierski authored
Dariusz Kędzierski authored
Dariusz Kędzierski authored
Dariusz Kędzierski authored
Dariusz Kędzierski authored
Dariusz Kędzierski authored
Dariusz Kędzierski authored
Dariusz Kędzierski authored
Dariusz Kędzierski authored
CRITICAL FIX: escaping routine was invalid causing empty values in hive_post_data. Body for get_active_votes
Dariusz Kędzierski authored
- Jun 23, 2020
Dariusz Kędzierski authored
Removed track_tx: it was causing missing COMMIT for START TRANSACTION error. Improved keyboard interruption. Added missing APIs: with placeholders but it will be filled with proper methods. Other minor fixes.
Dariusz Kędzierski authored
Support for comment_options_operation, percent_steem_dollars renamed to percent_hbd, changed some defaults in schemas, removed percent_steem_dollars column from hive_posts
Dariusz Kędzierski authored
Bartek Wrona authored
- Fixed handling of KeyboardInterrupt
Bartek Wrona authored
- Fixed generation of votes insertion query (missing limit so query exceeded SQL limit). Also simplified SQL code - comment_payout_op is done via grouped UPDATE query to improve sync performance - follow insert is done via grouped UPDATE query to improve sync performance - Implemented statistics gathering for each processed block to print number of processed operations - virtual ops are prepared in its dedicated thread to improve sync performance - Added printing of total execution time of sync, at each block-range report.
- Jun 22, 2020
Bartek Wrona authored
Merge branch 'dk-issue-3-concurrent-block-query' of gitlab.syncad.com:blocktrades/hivemind into dk-issue-3-concurrent-block-query
Dariusz Kędzierski authored
Dariusz Kędzierski authored
Bartek Wrona authored
Merge branch 'dk-issue-3-concurrent-block-query' of gitlab.syncad.com:blocktrades/hivemind into dk-issue-3-concurrent-block-query
Dariusz Kędzierski authored
Bartek Wrona authored
Merge branch 'dk-issue-3-concurrent-block-query' of gitlab.syncad.com:blocktrades/hivemind into dk-issue-3-concurrent-block-query
Bartek Wrona authored
Resolved Conflicts: hive/indexer/posts.py
Bartek Wrona authored
Simplified queries related to votes processing. Still is needed unification to have one insertion path using ON CONFLICT extension
Dariusz Kędzierski authored
Bartek Wrona authored
WIP: Implemented concurrent fetching of blocks and vops to avoid blocking operation processing during API calls.
- Jun 21, 2020
Bartek Wrona authored
Bartek Wrona authored
- Added additional index to hive_posts (indexing single permlink_id field) to speedup insertion - Removed not needed multi column indices from hive_account table - Introduced function `process_hive_post_operation' covering new-post, post-edit, post-undelete scenarios in single query at SQL side - Introduced function `delete_hive_post' to simplify post deletion at client side and improve performance. - Improved reblog operation queries (eliminated separate queries for IDs to be next processed/updated) - Improved follow operation queries (eliminated separate queries for IDs to be next processed/updated). Prerequisites for value caching and flush at Python side, not finished yet
- Jun 19, 2020
Dariusz Kędzierski authored