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Enhance `recovery tests` resilience against CI machine load.

Michał Kudela requested to merge kudmich/fix_recovery_tests into develop

The number of vests during the start of the test network is zero. When initminer produces new blocks, the amount of Vests in the network increases (producer_reward_operation). Increasing the number of Vests in the network affects the cost of performing the operation.

The test randomly failed because the account that is performing the operation did not have enough RC to perform the operation. This is the case only under a loaded CI machine (several blocks will be generated between the first genesis block and the execution of the operation).

The solution to this problem is to top up the account that creates the operations.

Failed job:

normal CI:

-----GB-----OP-----B2-----B3-----B4----B5----> [t]

overload CI:

-----GB-----B1-----B2-----B3-----OP----B5----> [t]

BG - genesis block
OP - operation
B1, B2, B3 - next block
Edited by Michał Kudela

Merge request reports