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Update tavern version in tox.ini

Konrad Botor requested to merge kbotor/fixed-tavern-version into develop

Update tavern version in tox.ini to resolve

$ cd $CI_PROJECT_DIR/haf/hive/tests/api_tests/pattern_tests
$ ./ $ENDPOINT `git rev-parse --show-toplevel` "${TEST_SUITE}" ${DIRECT_HAFAH_CALLS}
tavern: install_deps tests/api_tests/pattern_tests> python -I -m pip install 'deepdiff[murmur]==5.8.1' git-pylint-commit-hook==2.6.1 jsondiff==2.0.0 pep8==1.7.1 pytest-asyncio==0.18.3 pytest-console-scripts==1.3.1 pytest-cov==3.0.0 pytest-parallel==0.1.1 pytest-pylint==0.18.0 pytest-xdist==2.5.0 pytest==7.1.2 requests==2.27.1 yapf==0.32.0 ./tavern==2.0.0alpha11
ERROR: Invalid requirement: './tavern==2.0.0alpha11'
Hint: It looks like a path. File './tavern==2.0.0alpha11' does not exist.

that appeared in HAfAH CI.

Merge request reports
