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Speed up beem tests

Mateusz Żebrak requested to merge mzebrak/issue-269 into develop

Closes #269 (closed)

Reduced beem_tests execution time during CI pipeline: ~27 min => ~4 min

Changed the way of running hived in beem_tests - now it is done by the test_tools package, which allows the use of the pytest-xdist package for parallelization.

Updated modules containing tests which before were running synchronously, without using pytest:

  • =>
  • hived/ => dhf_tests/ (moved to dhf_tests dir since it was run in the same CI job as rest of the dhf_tests, and they are also tests for beem
  • proposal_payment_test_001 .. 010 => proposal_payments_tests/test_proposal_payment_001 .. 010)

Added execution of two more modules with tests (IDK why were they disabled before, but it looks like they are worth running and they are not slowing down the rest of the tests):

  • =>
  • =>

However, all of these tests are not fully converted to the use of test_tools because it would take more time and it was not strictly related to the issue that focused on reducing their execution time.

Edited by Mateusz Żebrak

Merge request reports