Test for recalculation proposal
Merge request depends on:
- MR in TestTools ( required ): test-tools!176 (merged)
- MR in HELpy ( required ): helpy!12 (merged)
- MR in Schemas ( required ): schemas!76 (merged)
Changes on CI:
- pre_commit_checks job:
- Add option "--enforce-all". to pre-commit hooks / check-added-large-files. Pre-commit checks the size of all files (previously only on-stage files were checked - locally). The maximum allowable file size for the repository remains unchanged (500KB),
- Existing files larger than 500KB have been added to excluded files.
- comment_cashout_tests job:
- delete option
- a test fail results in a failed job.
- delete option
Test for recalculation proposal votes in maintenance block:
- based on block_log with 12k accounts, comments, proposals, and 1k votes on proposals from one account,
- checks for recalculation of maintenance blocks.
Edited by Michał Kudela