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changed implementation of debug_update

Andrzej Lisak requested to merge abw_debug_plugin_fixes into develop

Fixes and changes related to #254 based on !1025 (closed) by @asuch

The best illustration of how debug_update works now is in new unit test debug_node/debug_update_transaction_order.

There are two modes - with internal transaction (covers previous use cases) and new with explicit user transaction.

New mode with explicit user transaction works the following way: debug_update, aside from lambda to be executed, is given transaction id of not-yet-pushed user transaction. Lambda is registered as callback hooked to that transaction id. When user transaction is finally pushed (which does not need to be immediately for nearest block) and later reapplied as pending, during block generation and block application, each of those times registered callback is executed right before transaction. It was made specifically for debug_set_vest_price in mind - to be hooked with explicit transfer_to_vesting_operation, so the "price fixing" and "price stabilization" are guaranteed to be part of single block (otherwise once in a while there might be gap between both steps, which means inflation is changing price for second step destabilizing tests). It can be used in similar cases when direct modifications of state are needed as preparation for specific transaction.

Mode with internal transaction is used when call does not contain transaction id. When that happens, transaction is generated internally (empty custom_operation with use of temps open authority, which means no need for signature) and immediately pushed to become pending. Given lambda is then executed and hooked to internal transaction to be repeated on transaction reapplication. The same internal transaction is reused for consecutive calls to debug_update, until the sequence is broken by some user transaction or generation of block. To make sure internal transaction is properly reapplied, special checks are in place that cause hard exception at the end of block application in case there was some problem preventing transaction from execution (example of such problem was already in unit tests: change of timestamp of head block caused internal transaction to become expired when block was generated).
Caller of new debug_update needs to take heed of one more thing: since there is witness plugin limit on number of custom operations per user per block (default 5), if there are too many debug_update calls separated with regular transactions, all targeted for the same block, the mechanism will prevent execution of debug_update that would break that limit. The limit can be changed in testnet configuration, it can also be avoided if debug_update calls are hooked to transactions separating them instead of relying on internal transactions.


  • #254 - added unit test for new mode with explicit hooks and for mixing debug_update calls with regular transactions
  • bug with debug_set_vest_price (access to reference to local variable inside lambda - does not work when that variable was already killed) - added unit test to show the bug

Changes in unit tests:

  • eliminated some uses of debug_update that no longer work (like changing of head block time too much that cause internal transactions to be expired when next block is generated)
  • fixed values in tests that check exact RC cost (internal transactions use RC pools therefore influence the cost)
  • added workaround for tests that used too many debug_update calls separated by regular transactions

debug_node_api changes:

  • debug_generate_blocks/debug_generate_blocks_until no longer change witness key (when edit_if_needed is set) in case the witness that needs to generate block has different key than given as debug_key); instead the block is now generated with no witness signature (and applied with skip_witness_signature flag)
  • debug_set_hardfork and debug_set_vest_price have new optional argument hook_to_tx where caller can pass id of transaction, so setting hardfork / setting vest price is executed right before that transaction
Edited by Andrzej Lisak

Merge request reports