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  • Mateusz Tyszczak's avatar
    Fix hardfork application block number comparison in the converter · 60551d97
    Mateusz Tyszczak authored
    There were recently issues reported related to the hardforks being applied
    **before** the actual hardfork in the mainnet when using the converter.
    After some investigation it turned out to be a misunderstanding in how
    the hardforks are actually applied - they are applied **after** applying
    the actual block. That was not the case in the converter where hardforks
    were applied just after receiveing a block. After trying to move the
    hardfork checks to the end of the `convert_signed_block` function,
    there was still a problem with the initial hardfork application where
    it was harder to distinguish between "standard blocks" and "hardfork blocks".
    Considering that the `check_for_hardfork` function is private withing
    its scope and it is used only in one place, changing the block number
    comparison from 'equal to or greater than' to just 'greater than' saves
    a lot of redundant code.