Bartłomiej Górnicki authoredBartłomiej Górnicki authored
AbstractVideoEmbedder.ts 1.70 KiB
// tslint:disable member-ordering
export abstract class AbstractVideoEmbedder {
public abstract markEmbedIfFound(textNode: HTMLObjectElement): {image?: string; link?: string} | undefined;
public abstract processEmbedIfRelevant(embedType: string, id: string, size: {width: number; height: number}, htmlElementKey: string): string | undefined;
public static getEmbedMarker(id: string, type: string) {
return `~~~ embed:${id} ${type} ~~~`;
public static insertAllEmbeds(embedders: AbstractVideoEmbedder[], input: string, size: {width: number; height: number}): string {
// In addition to inserting the youtube component, this allows
// react to compare separately preventing excessive re-rendering.
let idx = 0;
const sections = [];
// HtmlReady inserts ~~~ embed:${id} type ~~~
for (let section of input.split('~~~ embed:')) {
const match = section.match(/^([A-Za-z0-9?=_-]+) ([^ ]*) ~~~/);
if (match && match.length >= 3) {
const id = match[1];
const type = match[2];
for (const embedder of embedders) {
const resp = embedder.processEmbedIfRelevant(type, id, size, idx++ + '');
if (resp) {
section = section.substring(`${id} ${type} ~~~`.length);
// section = section.substring(`${id} ${type} ~~~`.length);
if (section === '') {
return sections.join('');