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Rewrite searches

Michal Zander requested to merge mzander/rewrite-searches into develop
  1. adds paging to block-search api,

  2. query rewritten so it doesn't use execute format,

  3. comment-search api divided to two seperate apis:

  • get_comment_permlinks - lists permlinks filtered by date,block_num and comment-type (root_post or comment)
  • get_comment_operations - lists operations that were a result of post or comment (votes on the comment, curation operations, rewards etc)

it simplyfies usage of this api

  1. adds remaining tavern tests to hafbe

  2. during testing I've found issue: haf#250 (closed) that still needs to be resolved to allow block-search api to work properly without additional indexes on specific operation types.

Edited by Michal Zander

Merge request reports
