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(Hafah with rest api) Change operations api in swagger

Michal Zander requested to merge mzander/id-to-string into develop

contains changes in hafah: HAfAH!140 (closed)

runs on haf_api_node: haf_api_node!16 (merged)

  1. moved operation-types and operation-keys to operations tag,

  2. limit parameter changed to result-limit - this change is required due to a bug - postgrest uses limit as his own query parameter and doesn't forward it to APIs. It was unnoticed due to the fact that most apis in hafbe are using default limit
    /hafbe/witnesses/gtg/voters?limit=100 (default limit was max int) this call internally would look for "max int" rows but return 100 rows (limited by postgrest),

  3. operation_id changed Int->string

Edited by Michal Zander

Merge request reports