I've already discussed general idea for that, TL;DR:
Denser instance that can be configured to handle one specified community, let it be HiveDevs for example: https://hive.blog/trending/hive-139531
For MVP we want to focus on that single community, no outside of community content.
MVP can have denser look, but should be easily configurable with "themes" / "skins".
For MVP "easily configurable" means easily by developers who can prepare few of such themes for few most important clients.
This is specifically a heavily requested extension to Hive social features asked about by both outside and inside communities when discussing onboarding and initiatives that don't require a whole new interface to be created but where existing front ends don't meet group needs. In many cases, outside communities are looking for forum-style or website-extending community features that would allow them to silo out the bulk of blockchain content and allow them to build, moderate and incentivize a community via Hive's infrastructure, while not locked into the heavy learning curve or mass of content that comes with the general purpose front ends. This is the number one request I've gotten from outside groups who would want to deploy their own "blockchain site".
Splintertalk is given as an example- it is the Splinterlands community feed split off into it's own site. It is a POC for "tribes" which can be deployed like this via HiveEngine and serve to distribute HE tokens alongside a custom condenser instance. These are paid deployments to gain the 2nd layer token connection to all posts, are non-customizable without extensive development knowledge, and well out of date based on the core condenser base code leveraged. In the requested new application, there are no second layer ties. Rather, the only important goal is the ability to control and display interactions with a community and their feed in a modern, streamlined, and feature forward way. Many of our communities- or outside communities- want something that functions like a "subreddit" or an online zine, but that isn't controlled by a small centralized group regardless of niche- one of Hive's biggest value propositions.
Target features:
easy deployment with minimal developer requirements; think wordpress instance, vs. custom website with specialty database
deployment to a custom URL or subdomain. Bonus points for something that could potentially work with our ongoing "canonical content" problems, but not required
visual and content config GUI (or easy to change config file) if possible. IE, pick a theme to match a brand website or perhaps just choose a few colours with the option for extended CSS... but more importantly: choose the content, community account, feed etc. that the overall site focuses on. Ideally, something as simple as a field to enter the single community account name that determines the entire site. Potentially, options for "highlighted feeds" from associated accounts or extended functionality for displaying other selected content if possible. (ex, a curation account that votes outside the community posts on things that should have been displayed inside it)
incorporation and focus on ease of use and specialty display of important community features that would exist on a company/community blog or forum- custom titles, user profile pages, etc
as much of the complexity of Hive inner workings (ever seeing that you need to use a specific account name as the first tag, convoluted reward calculations, governance, high level wallet activities etc) either toggle-to-hide or removed from view as possible. These are sites very focused on allowing people to jump into the social aspect inside a community or niche- wallets and other frontends can fill in the gaps where needed for any deeper blockchain interaction.
Two current examples for consideration that try to explain the above feature requests as perfect use cases:
LordButterfly is hosting a music competition geared at influencers and artists off Hive. Right now, he has to guide them to an existing front end, navigate them through a glut of power user funnels, teach them about tags to then use communities, help them find his contest community, post into it for the first time, etc. Instead, these new users should be able to get keychain, go to his custom URL, and instantly log in to what looks like a familiar "blog style" website and post to the community (which takes care of the first community tag for them) and keeps them inside the feed and conversations and entries for the relevant contest. They don't realize that they're even in a wider ecosystem- just that they entered a contest on a music site. They can navigate all over the site, through any post, but always be within the context of his community and the posts within it.
I am part of the WOO team, and we have built a wrestling game on Hive. We also are inviting our partner professional wrestlers to begin using Hive as a blog space to bring their fanbases to the chain to create a hub for wrestling that encompasses and extends beyond our game. The subreddit "r/squaredcircle" holds a monopoly at current for wrestling enthusiasts to build a community around this type of content, but we're seeing many fans viewing our partner wrestler posts and being interested in joining in to interact with wrestler content/make their own. Creating a WOO community frontend will allow us to onboard non-crypto natives with targeted content and a focused feed to help us build readership and leverage incentivisation without having to actually explain the whole crypto bit, or hoping not to lose them in a sea of unfiltered global content.