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V1.27.5.15 release

Mateusz Żebrak requested to merge v1.27.5.15_release into master

Closes: %16th release

  1. New features/functions
    • Dashboard redesign - #240 (closed) via !436 (merged) and !454 (merged):
      • Displayed data is more interactive:
        • Switch the working account by pressing on working account name in the header
        • Make operation by pressing on HBD/HIVE amount
        • Switch a node by pressing on the "online"/"offline" status
        • Lock/unlock wallet by pressing on "UNLOCKED"/"LOCKED" status
        • Go to account details by pressing on the account name instead of dedicated "Details" button
        • Go to account-specific alarm details by pressing on the alarm display widget
      • Added "X" to the dashboard to remove account from tracked account
      • Key binding to open "add working account" dialog on the dashboard
      • Config key binding changed from F9 to F6
      • Unlock/lock key binding changed from F4 to F5
      • Some of the data (block info, node address, chain type) moved to expanded header (expandable by pressing "+")
      • More details in the mentioned issue.
    • New CLI command for displaying details about the given account clive show account - #205 (closed) via !435 (merged)
    • New script which should be used for launching the TUI (handles docker specific options, and maps data directory on the host machine) - !442 (merged)
  2. Functional improvements
    • Separation between runtime and storage - #265 (closed) via !444 (merged):
      • persistent storage data is now versioned, which means instead of crashing, clive will start in a "clean" state (no saved profiles)
      • data is now saved under path like ~/.clive/data/current/profiles.json in a JSON format
    • Changed nomenclature of activate to unlock - !439 (merged)
    • Eliminated root from the docker image - !442 (merged)
    • Docker image size optimization (unpacked image size reduced from 463MB to 200MB - c.a. 68MB compressed size) - !442 (merged)
    • Adding tracked account when there's no working account results in making this account a working one - 1eef5ea2
  3. Bugfixes
Edited by Mateusz Żebrak

Merge request reports