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V1.27.5.14 release

Mateusz Żebrak requested to merge v1.27.5.14_release into master

Closes: %15th release

  1. New features/functions
    • Add "F3" binding for the TUI dashboard to quickly switch working account - !417 (merged)
  2. Functional improvements
    • Change the way adding/removing and switching working/watched account works on the TUI Config screen - !417 (merged)
    • Improvements related to settings specified in settings.toml file: - !413 (merged)
      • are now validated right after launch
      • separate env for dev purposes, so debug/dev settings are no longer under the same namespace with user settings
    • Speedup autocompletion - !414 (merged)
    • The default on Activate screen is Permanent active mode now - #242 (closed) via !432 (merged)
    • Add "soon" label for not implemented features, don't raise a notification but make widgets disabled - #224 (closed) via !433 (merged)
  3. Bugfixes
  4. Internal
    • SafeSettings (typed and validated) introduction - !413 (merged)
    • Single longer timeout (no retries) instead of multiple retries with a lower timeout - !431 (merged)
Edited by Mateusz Żebrak

Merge request reports