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CLI process transaction

Mateusz Żebrak requested to merge mzebrak/process-transaction into develop


This MR:

1. Makes it possible to remove signatures from loaded transaction in TUI

(When Signed? checkbox is not selected). Previously loading an already signed transaction resulted in saving it always as signed.

2. Created clive process transaction command

that has the following options:

╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
*  --from-file                                     TEXT                        The file to load the transaction from. [required]                                                 │
--force-unsign             --no-force-unsign                                Whether to force unsigning the transaction. [default: no-force-unsign]                            │
--already-signed-mode                           [error|override|multisign]  How to handle the situation when transaction is already signed. [default: error]                  │
--profile-name                                  TEXT                        The profile to use. (defaults to the last used profile) [default: alice]                          │
--password                                      TEXT                        Password to unlock the wallet.                                                                    │
--sign                                          TEXT                        Key alias to sign the transaction with.                                                           │
--beekeeper-remote                              TEXT                        Beekeeper remote endpoint. (starts locally if not provided) [default:]       │
--broadcast                --no-broadcast                                   Whether broadcast the transaction. (i.e. dry-run) [default: broadcast]                            │
--save-file                                     TEXT                        The file to save the transaction to (format is determined by file extension - .bin or .json).
--help                 -h                                                   Show this message and exit.                                                                       │

and features:

  • could print out the transaction stored in .bin / .json file (--no-broadcast)
  • could broadcast the transaction stored in a file:
    • if already signed - right away (--broadcast)
    • if not signed - sign it with the working account keys (--broadcast --sign --password)
  • could specify how to treat already signed transaction when --sign and --password is already provided (--already-signed-mode could override the actual signature or add another one a.k.a mulisign or treat such a situation as error by default)
  • could load unsigned transaction and save it as signed into a given file (--save-file --sign --password)
  • could be used make the transaction file conversion .bin -> .json and .json -> .bin
  • could remove the signature from loaded transaction (--force-unsign)
Edited by Mateusz Żebrak

Merge request reports