I have a suggestion to this topic, in my opinion this feature is nice to have, but 99% of usage of block-search will be used without path-filter feature thats why I think it could be hidden behind some button that will expand on selection, by default the view of the search could stay the same or similar to current state.
Another thing is that the blocksearch has the feature to search through multiple path-filters (for example path-filter="value.author=gtg"&path-filter="value.permlink=some-permlink") ((max 3 path-filters in current state)) so there could be added a feature that expands the search even further and allows user to search by more keys (perfomance wise there could be issues while searching by big ranges and not indexes keys but i think it can be resolved by limiting query times and killing long queries so it shouldn't be a problem)
I've restored old block search and added path-filter parameter from new hafbe endoint, but currently I can't test if it's working correctly because of error message : "message": "Block search indexes are not installed" . Will continue with this issue when endpoint is fully functional