This has been a bit hard to reproduce, but it seems to mostly affect "brave" browser. When you open an account view page by using the URL, sometimes the "Operation Type" filtering button does not show.
See screenshot below (the button should show inside the yellow pagination ribbon, next to the >> )
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@mcfarhat this might be because of failed operation types request, so if it fails, it won't even show Operation types button, because there won't be anything to show there. Question if we want to have alternative for that?
@lbudginas could you explain a bit more, so is it possibly a failed API call that does not return code needed to display operation types button? because when the issue happens, a page refresh resolves it
Yeah that's my guess, I haven't looked deep into it. But if I remember correctly, component should return null if there is no operation types , so it makes sense that some times operations types button isn't visible. Especially if page refresh resolves this issue, it will send new request that's received successful response and that's why button becomes visible. So my guess is that request is failing which could happen for various reasons
@lbudginas not sure if you were able to reproduce this, but since the latest changes done on the positioning of this button i haven't came across the issue.
I had this issue again while working on another issue just now, it seems when I leave the page and then get back to it again this is happening.
I was able to trace till \components\account\tabs\operations\OperationsTabContent.tsx Line 72 accountOperationTypes was empty, so the button did not render. The name fromRoute was good but there were no results. I am using Explorer backend API:
I could not complete tracing the issue because once a re-render occurred, the button showed again. Maybe an API issue? But also, the button disappeared after rendering when I left the screen and came back