HAF get_info and state API calls are taking way too long
take over 25 seconds to be answered by the develop-haf
version. For example, db_state_head
on one of my tries, took 24.51s to respond to my POST call.
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"db_head_block": 68850472,
"db_head_time": "2022-10-17 13:22:39",
"db_head_age": 25
"id": 0
I am assuming it takes the data whenever the query is sent, but takes over 20 seconds to simply respond, therefore, db_head_age is appearing old.
I have tried get_content
on a comment that was posted 5 seconds ago, and it returns everything just fine. So I am assuming it's just a bug with these two calls.