sequenceDiagram participant Admin participant CBS participant SC as SEPA CONNECTOR participant DIS participant BANK Note right of DIS: Transfer sent from Bank. BANK->>DIS: Sends CLAIM_FOR_VALUE_DATE_CORRECTION activate DIS alt 1. Received CLAIM_FOR_VALUE_DATE_CORRECTION has an syntax error according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends SYNRES DIS->>Admin: Notification: SYNRES sent else 2 Received CLAIM_FOR_VALUE_DATE_CORRECTION has an signature error according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends AUTHRES DIS->>Admin: Notification: AUTHRES sent else 3 Received CLAIM_FOR_VALUE_DATE_CORRECTION has an other errors according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends RESULT DIS->>Admin: Notification: RESULT sent Note right of DIS: To be confirmed: <br> can we send RESULT? else 4 Received CLAIM_FOR_VALUE_DATE_CORRECTION has no errors according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends CONTRL Note right of DIS: Create document DIS->>SC: Sends CLAIM_FOR_VALUE_DATE_CORRECTION deactivate DIS activate SC SC->>CBS: Sends CLAIM_FOR_VALUE_DATE_CORRECTION activate CBS SC-->>CBS: (ClaimForValueDateCorrection) deactivate SC Note right of CBS: Save CLAIM_FOR_VALUE_DATE_CORRECTION Note right of CBS: Claim: WAITING deactivate CBS alt 4.1 Received CLAIM_FOR_VALUE_DATE_CORRECTION is rejected Note over SC,DIS: Negative response activate CBS Note right of CBS: Create INQUIRY_RESPONSE <br> with RJVA or CVAA Note right of CBS: Claim: WAITING Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: CREATED deactivate CBS alt 4.1.1. MQ unavailable activate CBS CBS->>CBS: Inquiry_reponse deferred Note right of CBS:Inquiry_reponse: DEFERRED CBS->>CBS: Tries to resend INQUIRY_RESPONSE deactivate CBS else 4.1.2 MQ available activate CBS CBS->>SC: Sends INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate SC CBS-->>SC: (InquiryResponse with RJVA or CVAA) Note right of CBS: Claim: RESPONDED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: SENT deactivate CBS SC->>DIS: Sends INQUIRY_RESPONSE deactivate SC activate DIS alt INQUIRY_RESPONSE - Received DIS error DIS->>SC: Sends DIS INQUIRY_RESPONSE recjection activate SC SC->>CBS: Sends DIS INQUIRY_RESPONSE recjection activate CBS SC-->>CBS: (StandAloneNotification(REJECTED, DIS)) deactivate SC Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: REJECTING deactivate CBS alt Admin rejects INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Rejects inquiry_response deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: REJECTED deactivate CBS else Admin resends INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Resends inquiry_response deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: RETRIED deactivate CBS else CBS rejects INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate CBS CBS->>CBS: Rejects inquiry_response Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: REJECTED deactivate CBS else CBS resends INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate CBS CBS->>CBS: Resends inquiry_response Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: RETRIED deactivate CBS end else DIS acknowledgement Note right of DIS: Creates and <br> signs message DIS->>SC: Sends DIS acknowledgement activate SC SC->>CBS: Sends DIS acknowledgement activate CBS SC-->>CBS: (StandAloneNotification(Acknowledged, DIS)) deactivate SC Note right of CBS: Claim: RESPONDED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: PENDING deactivate CBS DIS->>BANK: Sends INQUIRY_RESPONSE deactivate DIS alt No inquiry_response received BANK->>DIS: Exception DIS->>Admin: Notification: INQUIRY_RESPONSE recjected alt Admin rejects INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Rejects inquiry_response deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: REJECTED deactivate CBS else Admin resends INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Resends inquiry_response deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: RETRIED deactivate CBS end else Received syntax error BANK->>DIS: Sends SYNRES DIS->>Admin: Notification: INQUIRY_RESPONSE recjected alt Admin rejects INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Rejects inquiry_response deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: REJECTED deactivate CBS else Admin resends INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Resends inquiry_response deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: RETRIED deactivate CBS end else Received signature error BANK->>DIS: Sends AUTHRES DIS->>Admin: Notification: INQUIRY_RESPONSE recjected alt Admin rejects INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Rejects inquiry_response deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: REJECTED deactivate CBS else Admin resends INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Resends inquiry_response deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: RETRIED deactivate CBS end else Received acknowledgement BANK->>DIS: Sends CONTRL activate DIS alt INQUIRY_RESPONSE - Received pacs.002 with RJCT BANK->>DIS: Sends INQUIRY_RESPONSE rejection alt Received pacs.002 has an syntax error according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends SYNRES DIS->>Admin: Notification: SYNRES sent else Received pacs.002 has an signature error according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends AUTHRES DIS->>Admin: Notification: AUTHRES sent else Received pacs.002 has an other errors according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends RESULT DIS->>Admin: Notification: RESULT sent Note right of DIS: To be confirmed: <br> can we send RESULT? else Received pacs.002 has no errors according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends CONTRL Note right of DIS: Create document DIS->>SC: Sends INQUIRY_RESPONSE rejection deactivate DIS activate SC SC->>CBS: Sends INQUIRY_RESPONSE rejection activate CBS SC-->>CBS: (StandAloneNotification(REJECTED, BANK)) deactivate SC Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: REJECTING deactivate CBS alt Admin rejects INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Rejects inquiry_response deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: REJECTED deactivate CBS else Admin resends INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Resends inquiry_response deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: RETRIED deactivate CBS else CBS rejects INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate CBS CBS->>CBS: Rejects inquiry_response Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: REJECTED deactivate CBS else CBS resends INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate CBS CBS->>CBS: Resends inquiry_response Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: RETRIED deactivate CBS end end else INQUIRY_RESPONSE - Received pacs.002 with ACCP BANK->>DIS: Sends INQUIRY_RESPONSE acceptance activate DIS alt Received pacs.002 has an syntax error according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends SYNRES DIS->>Admin: Notification: SYNRES sent else Received pacs.002 has an signature error according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends AUTHRES DIS->>Admin: Notification: AUTHRES sent else Received pacs.002 has an other errors according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends RESULT DIS->>Admin: Notification: RESULT sent Note right of DIS: To be confirmed: <br> can we send RESULT? else Received pacs.002 has no errors according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends CONTRL Note right of DIS: Create document DIS->>SC: Sends INQUIRY_RESPONSE acceptance deactivate DIS activate SC SC->>CBS: Sends INQUIRY_RESPONSE acceptance activate CBS SC-->>CBS: (StandAloneNotification(COMPLETED, BANK)) deactivate SC Note right of CBS: Claim: COMPLETED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: COMPLETED deactivate CBS end end end end end else 4.2 Received CLAIM_FOR_VALUE_DATE_CORRECTION is accepted Note over SC,DIS: Positive response with request for interest compensation activate CBS Note right of CBS: Create INQUIRY_RESPONSE with ACVA Note right of CBS: Fee can be calculated Note right of CBS: Claim: WAITING Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: CREATED deactivate CBS alt 4.2.1. MQ unavailable activate CBS CBS->>CBS: INQUIRY_RESPONSE deferred Note right of CBS:inquiry_response: DEFERRED CBS->>CBS: Tries to resend INQUIRY_RESPONSE deactivate CBS else 4.2.2 MQ available activate CBS CBS->>SC: Sends INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate SC CBS-->>SC: (InquiryResponse with ACVA) rect rgba(255, 0, 0) Note right of CBS: Claim: ACCEPTED end Note right of CBS: inquiry_response: SENT deactivate CBS deactivate SC activate DIS alt INQUIRY_RESPONSE - Received DIS error DIS->>SC: Sends DIS INQUIRY_RESPONSE recjection activate SC SC->>CBS: Sends DIS INQUIRY_RESPONSE recjection activate CBS SC-->>CBS: (StandAloneNotification(REJECTED, DIS)) deactivate SC Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: REJECTING deactivate CBS alt Admin rejects INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Rejects inquiry_response deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: REJECTED deactivate CBS else Admin resends INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Resends inquiry_response deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: RETRIED deactivate CBS else CBS rejects INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate CBS CBS->>CBS: Rejects inquiry_response Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: REJECTED deactivate CBS else CBS resends INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate CBS CBS->>CBS: Resends inquiry_response Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: RETRIED deactivate CBS end else DIS acknowledgement Note right of DIS: Creates and <br> signs message DIS->>SC: Sends DIS acknowledgement activate SC SC->>CBS: Sends DIS acknowledgement activate CBS SC-->>CBS: (StandAloneNotification(Acknowledged, DIS)) deactivate SC rect rgba(255, 0, 0) Note right of CBS: Claim: ACCEPTED end Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: PENDING deactivate CBS DIS->>BANK: Sends INQUIRY_RESPONSE deactivate DIS alt No inquiry_response received BANK->>DIS: Exception DIS->>Admin: Notification: INQUIRY_RESPONSE recjected alt Admin rejects INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Rejects inquiry_response deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: REJECTED deactivate CBS else Admin resends INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Resends inquiry_response deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: RETRIED deactivate CBS end else Received syntax error BANK->>DIS: Sends SYNRES DIS->>Admin: Notification: INQUIRY_RESPONSE recjected alt Admin rejects INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Rejects inquiry_response deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: REJECTED deactivate CBS else Admin resends INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Resends inquiry_response deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: RETRIED deactivate CBS end else Received signature error BANK->>DIS: Sends AUTHRES DIS->>Admin: Notification: INQUIRY_RESPONSE recjected alt Admin rejects INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Rejects inquiry_response deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: REJECTED deactivate CBS else Admin resends INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Resends inquiry_response deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: RETRIED deactivate CBS end else Received acknowledgement BANK->>DIS: Sends CONTRL activate DIS alt INQUIRY_RESPONSE - Received pacs.002 with RJCT BANK->>DIS: Sends INQUIRY_RESPONSE rejection alt Received pacs.002 has an syntax error according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends SYNRES DIS->>Admin: Notification: SYNRES sent else Received pacs.002 has an signature error according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends AUTHRES DIS->>Admin: Notification: AUTHRES sent else Received pacs.002 has an other errors according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends RESULT DIS->>Admin: Notification: RESULT sent Note right of DIS: To be confirmed: <br> can we send RESULT? else Received pacs.002 has no errors according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends CONTRL Note right of DIS: Create document DIS->>SC: Sends INQUIRY_RESPONSE rejection deactivate DIS activate SC SC->>CBS: Sends INQUIRY_RESPONSE rejection activate CBS SC-->>CBS: (StandAloneNotification(REJECTED, BANK)) deactivate SC Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: REJECTING deactivate CBS alt Admin rejects INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Rejects inquiry_response deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: REJECTED deactivate CBS else Admin resends INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Resends inquiry_response deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: RETRIED deactivate CBS else CBS rejects INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate CBS CBS->>CBS: Rejects inquiry_response Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: REJECTED deactivate CBS else CBS resends INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate CBS CBS->>CBS: Resends inquiry_response Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: RETRIED deactivate CBS end end else INQUIRY_RESPONSE - Received pacs.002 with ACCP BANK->>DIS: Sends INQUIRY_RESPONSE acceptance activate DIS alt Received pacs.002 has an syntax error according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends SYNRES DIS->>Admin: Notification: SYNRES sent else Received pacs.002 has an signature error according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends AUTHRES DIS->>Admin: Notification: AUTHRES sent else Received pacs.002 has an other errors according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends RESULT DIS->>Admin: Notification: RESULT sent Note right of DIS: To be confirmed: <br> can we send RESULT? else Received pacs.002 has no errors according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends CONTRL Note right of DIS: Create document DIS->>SC: Sends INQUIRY_RESPONSE acceptance deactivate DIS activate SC SC->>CBS: Sends INQUIRY_RESPONSE acceptance activate CBS SC-->>CBS: (StandAloneNotification(COMPLETED, BANK)) deactivate SC rect rgba(255, 0, 0) Note right of CBS: Claim: ACCEPTED end Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: COMPLETED deactivate CBS Note over SC,DIS: Confirmed Positive Response activate CBS Note right of CBS: Create INQUIRY_RESPONSE with MODI Note right of CBS: Claim: ACCEPTED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: CREATED deactivate CBS alt MQ unavailable activate CBS CBS->>CBS: INQUIRY_RESPONSE deferred Note right of CBS:inquiry_response: DEFERRED CBS->>CBS: Tries to resend INQUIRY_RESPONSE deactivate CBS else MQ available activate CBS CBS->>SC: Sends INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate SC CBS-->>SC: (InquiryResponse with MODI) rect rgba(255, 0, 0) Note right of CBS: Claim: RESPONDED end Note right of CBS: inquiry_response: SENT deactivate CBS deactivate SC activate DIS alt INQUIRY_RESPONSE - Received DIS error DIS->>SC: Sends DIS INQUIRY_RESPONSE recjection activate SC SC->>CBS: Sends DIS INQUIRY_RESPONSE recjection activate CBS SC-->>CBS: (StandAloneNotification(REJECTED, DIS)) deactivate SC Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: REJECTING deactivate CBS alt Admin rejects INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Rejects inquiry_response deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: REJECTED deactivate CBS else Admin resends INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Resends inquiry_response deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: RETRIED deactivate CBS else CBS rejects INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate CBS CBS->>CBS: Rejects inquiry_response Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: REJECTED deactivate CBS else CBS resends INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate CBS CBS->>CBS: Resends inquiry_response Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: RETRIED deactivate CBS end else DIS acknowledgement Note right of DIS: Creates and <br> signs message DIS->>SC: Sends DIS acknowledgement activate SC SC->>CBS: Sends DIS acknowledgement activate CBS SC-->>CBS: (StandAloneNotification(Acknowledged, DIS)) deactivate SC rect rgba(255, 0, 0) Note right of CBS: Claim: RESPONDED end Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: PENDING deactivate CBS DIS->>BANK: Sends INQUIRY_RESPONSE deactivate DIS alt No inquiry_response received BANK->>DIS: Exception DIS->>Admin: Notification: INQUIRY_RESPONSE recjected alt Admin rejects INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Rejects inquiry_response deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: REJECTED deactivate CBS else Admin resends INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Resends inquiry_response deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: RETRIED deactivate CBS end else Received syntax error BANK->>DIS: Sends SYNRES DIS->>Admin: Notification: INQUIRY_RESPONSE recjected alt Admin rejects INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Rejects inquiry_response deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: REJECTED deactivate CBS else Admin resends INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Resends inquiry_response deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: RETRIED deactivate CBS end else Received signature error BANK->>DIS: Sends AUTHRES DIS->>Admin: Notification: INQUIRY_RESPONSE recjected alt Admin rejects INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Rejects inquiry_response deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: REJECTED deactivate CBS else Admin resends INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Resends inquiry_response deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: RETRIED deactivate CBS end else Received acknowledgement BANK->>DIS: Sends CONTRL activate DIS alt INQUIRY_RESPONSE - Received pacs.002 with RJCT BANK->>DIS: Sends INQUIRY_RESPONSE rejection alt Received pacs.002 has an syntax error according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends SYNRES DIS->>Admin: Notification: SYNRES sent else Received pacs.002 has an signature error according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends AUTHRES DIS->>Admin: Notification: AUTHRES sent else Received pacs.002 has an other errors according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends RESULT DIS->>Admin: Notification: RESULT sent Note right of DIS: To be confirmed: <br> can we send RESULT? else Received pacs.002 has no errors according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends CONTRL Note right of DIS: Create document DIS->>SC: Sends INQUIRY_RESPONSE rejection deactivate DIS activate SC SC->>CBS: Sends INQUIRY_RESPONSE rejection activate CBS SC-->>CBS: (StandAloneNotification(REJECTED, BANK)) deactivate SC Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: REJECTING deactivate CBS alt Admin rejects INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Rejects inquiry_response deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: REJECTED deactivate CBS else Admin resends INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Resends inquiry_response deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: RETRIED deactivate CBS else CBS rejects INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate CBS CBS->>CBS: Rejects inquiry_response Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: REJECTED deactivate CBS else CBS resends INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate CBS CBS->>CBS: Resends inquiry_response Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: RETRIED deactivate CBS end end else INQUIRY_RESPONSE - Received pacs.002 with ACCP BANK->>DIS: Sends INQUIRY_RESPONSE acceptance activate DIS alt Received pacs.002 has an syntax error according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends SYNRES DIS->>Admin: Notification: SYNRES sent else Received pacs.002 has an signature error according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends AUTHRES DIS->>Admin: Notification: AUTHRES sent else Received pacs.002 has an other errors according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends RESULT DIS->>Admin: Notification: RESULT sent Note right of DIS: To be confirmed: <br> can we send RESULT? else Received pacs.002 has no errors according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends CONTRL Note right of DIS: Create document DIS->>SC: Sends INQUIRY_RESPONSE acceptance deactivate DIS activate SC SC->>CBS: Sends INQUIRY_RESPONSE acceptance activate CBS SC-->>CBS: (StandAloneNotification(COMPLETED, BANK)) deactivate SC rect rgba(255, 0, 0) Note right of CBS: Claim: COMPLETED end Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: COMPLETED deactivate CBS end end end end end else 4.3 Received CLAIM_FOR_VALUE_DATE_CORRECTION is confirmed Note over SC,DIS: Confirmed Positive Response activate CBS Note right of CBS: Create INQUIRY_RESPONSE <br> with MODI Note right of CBS: Claim: WAITING Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: CREATED deactivate CBS alt 4.3.1. MQ unavailable activate CBS CBS->>CBS: Inquiry_reponse deferred Note right of CBS:Inquiry_reponse: DEFERRED CBS->>CBS: Tries to resend INQUIRY_RESPONSE deactivate CBS else 4.3.2 MQ available activate CBS CBS->>SC: Sends INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate SC CBS-->>SC: (InquiryResponse with MODI) Note right of CBS: Claim: RESPONDED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: SENT deactivate CBS SC->>DIS: Sends INQUIRY_RESPONSE deactivate SC activate DIS alt INQUIRY_RESPONSE - Received DIS error DIS->>SC: Sends DIS INQUIRY_RESPONSE recjection activate SC SC->>CBS: Sends DIS INQUIRY_RESPONSE recjection activate CBS SC-->>CBS: (StandAloneNotification(REJECTED, DIS)) deactivate SC Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: REJECTING deactivate CBS alt Admin rejects INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Rejects inquiry_response deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: REJECTED deactivate CBS else Admin resends INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Resends inquiry_response deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: RETRIED deactivate CBS else CBS rejects INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate CBS CBS->>CBS: Rejects inquiry_response Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: REJECTED deactivate CBS else CBS resends INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate CBS CBS->>CBS: Resends inquiry_response Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: RETRIED deactivate CBS end else DIS acknowledgement Note right of DIS: Creates and <br> signs message DIS->>SC: Sends DIS acknowledgement activate SC SC->>CBS: Sends DIS acknowledgement activate CBS SC-->>CBS: (StandAloneNotification(Acknowledged, DIS)) deactivate SC Note right of CBS: Claim: RESPONDED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: PENDING deactivate CBS DIS->>BANK: Sends INQUIRY_RESPONSE deactivate DIS alt No inquiry_response received BANK->>DIS: Exception DIS->>Admin: Notification: INQUIRY_RESPONSE recjected alt Admin rejects INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Rejects inquiry_response deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: REJECTED deactivate CBS else Admin resends INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Resends inquiry_response deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: RETRIED deactivate CBS end else Received syntax error BANK->>DIS: Sends SYNRES DIS->>Admin: Notification: INQUIRY_RESPONSE recjected alt Admin rejects INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Rejects inquiry_response deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: REJECTED deactivate CBS else Admin resends INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Resends inquiry_response deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: RETRIED deactivate CBS end else Received signature error BANK->>DIS: Sends AUTHRES DIS->>Admin: Notification: INQUIRY_RESPONSE recjected alt Admin rejects INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Rejects inquiry_response deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: REJECTED deactivate CBS else Admin resends INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Resends inquiry_response deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: RETRIED deactivate CBS end else Received acknowledgement BANK->>DIS: Sends CONTRL activate DIS alt INQUIRY_RESPONSE - Received pacs.002 with RJCT BANK->>DIS: Sends INQUIRY_RESPONSE rejection alt Received pacs.002 has an syntax error according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends SYNRES DIS->>Admin: Notification: SYNRES sent else Received pacs.002 has an signature error according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends AUTHRES DIS->>Admin: Notification: AUTHRES sent else Received pacs.002 has an other errors according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends RESULT DIS->>Admin: Notification: RESULT sent Note right of DIS: To be confirmed: <br> can we send RESULT? else Received pacs.002 has no errors according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends CONTRL Note right of DIS: Create document DIS->>SC: Sends INQUIRY_RESPONSE rejection deactivate DIS activate SC SC->>CBS: Sends INQUIRY_RESPONSE rejection activate CBS SC-->>CBS: (StandAloneNotification(REJECTED, BANK)) deactivate SC Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: REJECTING deactivate CBS alt Admin rejects INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Rejects inquiry_response deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: REJECTED deactivate CBS else Admin resends INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate Admin Admin->>CBS: Resends inquiry_response deactivate Admin activate CBS Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: RETRIED deactivate CBS else CBS rejects INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate CBS CBS->>CBS: Rejects inquiry_response Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: REJECTED deactivate CBS else CBS resends INQUIRY_RESPONSE activate CBS CBS->>CBS: Resends inquiry_response Note right of CBS: Claim: FAILED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: RETRIED deactivate CBS end end else INQUIRY_RESPONSE - Received pacs.002 with ACCP BANK->>DIS: Sends INQUIRY_RESPONSE acceptance activate DIS alt Received pacs.002 has an syntax error according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends SYNRES DIS->>Admin: Notification: SYNRES sent else Received pacs.002 has an signature error according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends AUTHRES DIS->>Admin: Notification: AUTHRES sent else Received pacs.002 has an other errors according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends RESULT DIS->>Admin: Notification: RESULT sent Note right of DIS: To be confirmed: <br> can we send RESULT? else Received pacs.002 has no errors according to DIS DIS->>BANK: Sends CONTRL Note right of DIS: Create document DIS->>SC: Sends INQUIRY_RESPONSE acceptance deactivate DIS activate SC SC->>CBS: Sends INQUIRY_RESPONSE acceptance activate CBS SC-->>CBS: (StandAloneNotification(COMPLETED, BANK)) deactivate SC Note right of CBS: Claim: COMPLETED Note right of CBS: Inquiry_reponse: COMPLETED deactivate CBS end end end end end end end end end end end else 4.4 No response is sent to BANK activate BANK BANK->>DIS: Sends Status update request Note right of SC: See Status Update from Bank diagram deactivate BANK end