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  • Valentine Zavgorodnev's avatar
    478 fix create account's form issue and a couple of more minor fixes (#480) · 28c2952c
    Valentine Zavgorodnev authored
    * fix  issue when get_accounts API call fails
    * reset an error before making api call
    * one more fix
    * better handle existing email edge case
    * use 302 redirects not 301
    * Replace Math.random with secure-random. #478
    * Lock down confirm email lookup to email identity provider records. #478
    * Start over link more consistent order by in Identites sql. #478
    * Revert "Start over link more consistent order by in Identites sql. #478"
    This reverts commit dea06a543f6ee288d05a9d976710712fad47028d.
    * reset session.user in /enter_email
    * start registration process if user get to create_account page and has no id in session yet
    * Add a few DESC to Identity.ID order by.
    * update comment